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TESVSnip/TES5Edit Instructions with duplicate hairs


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As my title says, I was wondering if someone could give me a step by step instructions on how to remove duplicate hairs from files. Because with the custom recruitable NPC's that I've downloaded to use I've now been experiencing CTD's everytime whenever I do the male to female switch at the creation menu (Skyrim not consuming more then 4 gigs of ram and having a ctd when you exceed that even though you have more then the limited ram is annoying).


However I've heard that programs like TESVSnip or TES5Edit can help remove these duplicate files which would help me tremendously so that I do not incure the wraith of 10 million hair duplicates and the ctds at showracemenu. I've cleaned other dirty mods in the past with TES5Edit which has helped my game considerably, however I do not know or have any clue on how the removal of duplicates. I'm also going to say this, I'm very newbie at this.


So if anyone would be willing to write or post a Newbie Step By Step Instructions of how to properly remove duplicate hairs and to properly save them for use would be greatly appreciate. I've tried searching through the threads but the only thing I've found was "Use TESVSnip to remove duplicate hairs" and nothing beyond that as to how you would actually do it properly.


Again, any help or instructions on this would be greatly, greatly appreciate.


Thank you in advance.

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Apparently your problem is rather common as there was a mod on the front page today for exactly your problem (the hanging on race menu, not the duplicate hairs that cause it).

Here's a link to the mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33226/ .


Also, thanks for your patience and not bumping your thread every couple hours (which is just as annoying as when little kids ask "are we there yet?" every 5 minutes. Plus, it's against the rules (bumping, that is)).

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1. Open TESVSnip.

2. Open the offending mod(s).

3. Click on the + by the character name.

4. Click on the + by 'Group (HDPT) - Head Part'.

5. Panic momentarily as you see a large number of hair style names appear.

6. The top hair style is usually the one the edited NPC is using. Most hair mods have images and names you can compare to to make sure this is correct. Leave it alone, and make a mental note of the name. (E.g: ApachiiHairM10)

7. Delete all the hairs that the character isn't using.

8. When you get to the 'HairLine' files, delete all but the one that has a similar name to the style the NPC is using. (E.g: ApachiiHairLineM10.)

9. Save. Now the only duplicated hairs are the ones that the NPC is using.

10. Rinse and repeat for all edited NPCs.*


*If mod edits several npcs, step 10 can, and should, be done before step 9. =D

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