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Is a DLC called Redguard actually confirmed now?


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@Sisterof, yeah Brynjolf has a good voice actor, but it's just the in your face way they have him come up to you and try to force his quest on you, after a dozen times it has just annoyed me too much...the same as the 'curved sword' warriors in Whiterun demanding I help them and the Vigilant at the Abandoned House in Markarth. As for Dishonoured, after the first level when your stats are shown it has the chaos level and so I thought I would google more about the game and the fact they designed the game with you trying to get low kills for the good ending stumped me..they gave me a crossbow...CROSSBOW...and I can sneak up and behead people..what do they want from me? :blink: Like yourself I will go back to Fallout NV and wait for Fallout 4...after I kill Brynjolf a few more times :cool:

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To be honest, many of my characters are notorious thieves. During my first game I had emptied half of Windhelm before coming to Riften, while my actual Thief had already picked every lock, chest and strongbox in Whiterun at the time. So Bryn's line never seemed out of place until I walked into the Bee&Barb with my too-honest-for-her-own-good Spellsword, who had the cleanest of clean crime histories at the time. I installed the mod I mentioned soon afterwards, to prevent such an uncomfortable situation from ever happening again. However, I would never want to hurt Brynjolf - he's like papa wolf to my favorite guild. :( (He IS rather persistent though...)


@sisterof: Perhaps it gets easier if you think of it more like a business-contract than a pact with the daedric prince. You get Nocturnal's grace while you are alive and afterwards you guard her sanctuary and keep a watchful eye on all the thieves that follow in your footsteps. (And you can enter Sovengard by the right of plunder!)

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@sisterof: Perhaps it gets easier if you think of it more like a business-contract than a pact with the daedric prince. You get Nocturnal's grace while you are alive and afterwards you guard her sanctuary and keep a watchful eye on all the thieves that follow in your footsteps. (And you can enter Sovengard by the right of plunder!)

So you mean that watching over Nocturnal's sanctuary is not a full-time job nor forever? Because exchanging a few decades of life in good fortune for an eternity of checking in with a Daedra isn't much of a fair exchange. :/

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The way I understood it, Nocturnal at some point accepts the souls of the Nightingales into the Evergloam, her realm of Oblivion (just like Hircine does with the souls of the werewolves), so they don't have to watch the Sepulcher for all eternity. In the Evergloam the souls become one with the shadows and this way can influence the fate of the living - as long as the portal to the Evergloam remains open. When someone wishes you "Shadows guide you" or "Walk with the Shadows", he asks for these souls of departed nightingales to watch over you and bring you luck. In other words you can choose between endless boring drinking contests and listening to the same heroic tales over and over again in Sovengarde or you could become a guardian spirit of sorts and have some real influence on the world even in death by guiding the fates of all the thieves to come.


(The right of plunder is a possible claim for entering the Hall of Valor during the MQ)

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I remember having that option a couple of times entering Sovngarde as I had done the Thieves Guild before finishing the MQ, but never used it as it seemed dishonourable with what the Hall Of Valor stands for

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I'm under the impression that if you pledge your soul to any entity, it's not yours to take for a walk anymore. Though yes, you can use any of those claims (Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild) to enter the Hall of Valor temporarily. If you could choose to simply disregard any oath to the Daedra, Kodlak wouldn't need aid. Being Harbinger and a nice Nord all around wasn't enough to free him from Hircine's domain. You had to cure him of Hircine's gift, so he could enter Sovngarde as his final resting place.

Also, the gate keeper, Tsun, doesn't say the Dragonborn is allowed in for being servant of Sithis/Daedra, merely that he won't hinder the quest to slay Alduin: "You trespass here, shadow-walker. Shor does not know you. Perhaps before the end you will earn the right to pass this way. Welcome I do not offer, but your errand I will not hinder, if my wrath you can withstand." "Do not mistake the night-shrouded thief's stealthily-taken spoils, stolen and unearned, for a warrior's plunder, won in honorable battle. Your doom already binds you to your dark mistress, but your errand I will not hinder, if my wrath you can withstand."

So to me it sounds like once you pledge your soul, it's not yours anymore and Sovngarde is beyond reach upon your death. My thief is a Breton, and I think Sovngarde is not just for Nords but for anyone of Nord faith, but that's beside the point - the issue is that following through with the Thieves Guild questline, he is bound to Nocturnal for eternity. "Your doom already binds you to your dark mistress"

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I didn't mean the thing with the right of plunder that seriously in my first post and I had hoped to clear any misconceptions about it in the second by adding "during the MQ" , I am sorry if that has lead to confusion. I only ever mentioned it, because the dialogue-option had amused me immensely when I read it.

As for Sovengard: My Thief has always been a thief, he had never had any hopes he would ever be welcomed in the Hall of Valor. So cutting a deal with Nocturnal didn't seem such a bad deal, at least from the shadows he can watch over his extended family for generations to come. Besides, why would he even want to go to Sovengard, when his great hero Gallus resides in the Evergloam?

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If the Nords are indeed based on vikings (and I shall forever make free advertising of the series of that name here), plundering is something to be proud of. :biggrin:

I missed that option for playing a warrior Dragonborn who would beat his chest and go ME. HONOR. I HAS IT.

I guess I'll just have to get in the state of mind of the Thieves Guild. It wasn't hard letting my Khajiit give his soul to Sithis as he was my first character, but after so long playing this Dragonborn that despises Daedra, it's hard to get on a Daedra-loving thief's shoes. Oh well, that's what rpg are all about. Shoes.

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