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Children shapeshifting? Chickens WAY overpowered?


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Not as in changing into a wolf but I will see children growing up to two feet taller so that they can use an alchemy station or lean on a rail. It is bizarre and strange. It also kind of ruins the realism in the game. Children should have their own actions rather than growing taller to act like an adult. It is just something I noticed about an otherwise epic game.


Also chickens are WAY overpowered. I used my vampiric drain on a dragon, and it killed her fairly quickly. (I have a mod that makes vampiric drain scale with your level and your destruction skill.) Then I use it on a chicken and it took almost twice as long to kill. What.. the.. I mean.. why? LOL.

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It's the Dragon Shout known to all chickens that makes them so powerful.


Bock ... bu-COCK!


They spam it constantly. Makes them practically invincible.

So when the thelmor come to invade, the mighty chickens will protect us... makes sense :happy:.

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Not as in changing into a wolf but I will see children growing up to two feet taller so that they can use an alchemy station or lean on a rail. It is bizarre and strange. It also kind of ruins the realism in the game. Children should have their own actions rather than growing taller to act like an adult. It is just something I noticed about an otherwise epic game.


Also chickens are WAY overpowered. I used my vampiric drain on a dragon, and it killed her fairly quickly. (I have a mod that makes vampiric drain scale with your level and your destruction skill.) Then I use it on a chicken and it took almost twice as long to kill. What.. the.. I mean.. why? LOL.

Your first problem is a glitch. There are some mods which can address that: just search for "children" on the Nexus and something will come up.


The chickens die quickly to a blade, so I dunno what's going on there. They do incur a rather large bounty if attacked though. The Thalmor would all be outlawed if they fought enough of them.

Edited by billyro
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Every time a chicken witnesses a crime it absorbs a soul.


One will be born among them with the power to defeat the Aldmeri with the might of her Voice, a Bock bu-Cock that could burn the feathers off a hagraven and hard-boil eggs in their shells. It's a good thing the Greybeards are destined to go vegetarian some time during The Incubation as she sits atop her nest box on High Hrothgar waiting for her chicks to hatch.


She will be one bad mother clucker.

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