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What anime would you bring into Skyrim?


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Only ones I like enough are Full Metal Alchemist and Berserk. I would totally dig Edward and Alphonse as companions.

I bet they would be very, very confused in this weird world where nothing they stand for and shapes them as characters exist. :P

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Tough call. As big an anime nerd as I am, I have a hard time thinking of anything that wouldn't seem completely out of place. Anime tends to by highly stylized, after all.


I guess you could work in something like say Sengoku Basara and claim it's all from Akavir. Some stuff from the Fate/ franchise might also be okay - I could see Fate/Zero berserker work as a kind of alternative ebony armor. (And his ability to turn anything he picks up into a magical weapon would be pretty rad.)

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Five Star Stories and Tsukihime(or general Type Moon universe).

Fighting monster with unique skills using my mastery on blades and smashing dragons with Mortar Headds would be a very pleasant experience.


PS: It just came into my mind FSS Dragons are pretty deadly even when you're equipped with overpowered mechas.

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Fullmetal Alchemist :

- dwemer auto-mail

- affixed soul - smaller dwemer centurion

- skyrim has a bit of alchemy, some transmutations wouldn't be too out of place

- homunculus - we have soul gems, we have necromatic rituals involving multiple persons to revive one [windhelm, spoilers]


there you go; not too much lore-breaking;


Bleach :

- daedra realms , instead of soul society and huecomundo

- there are katanas in-game, and it's possible to morph them in something else( a bit far fetched, but possible)

- spells ? - plenty of them already, just throw in some modifications

- ghosts/spirits ? check

- Hollows ? - monsters that hunt down those with a magika level over 100


there you go again, not too much lore-breaking .

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Naruto. I'd like to see some actual stealth styled ninja assassins. Now, don't get me wrong, The DB is one of two guild quests that are tied for best in my opinion. (The other is Thieves guild). But I'd love to see people act like a fabled ninja, as compared to a hitman.


FMA. It'd be pretty beastly to be able to MAKE your own atronochs, instead of summoning them.


Black Lagoon, minus the guns. There is a depressing lack of pirates in TES outside of one DLC I had for oblivion and a mod I've yet to play through. Not to mention, a Revy like character would make my day.


Hellsing. Having a vampire hunter that is actually bad ass. Like me, you know? In Dawnguard I could single handedly take down the entire volkihar vampire coven. It's more like the dawnguard needed me than I needed them. I'd love to see a few characters like that.


And, this technically isn't an anime, but Castle In the Sky. I remember there being an Elder Scrolls book that dealt with a flying city. I know the Dwemer worked on many weird things, so it's not all that illogical to say that maybe there is another flying city, and a hot air balloon to take you there.

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