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Help with AI

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I seem to have gone over that since the mod uses an ability to recruit them and they join the faction the same script is used for all so it should show somewhere else maybe in the ranks once I find the factions. Ok found the AI packages.

Edited by Aqualeo322
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Well do not set a time as they could be added by scripts as that is the most common way to do it with a companion as you as player will be able to choose from the dialogue menu what they should do.


So if you tell them to go to sleep 01:00 and the package is set for 02:00 4 hours, then they will not go to sleep as they will just stand there, until 02:00. I will make such AI packages myself soon, without a time set and add the package to the NPC at any point, well the player will decide when their companions will do different things.


The biped thing youi did mention, well many mods have similar problems that I ignore when I load them. My has with critters and the only thing I can do is to ignore it and click Yes or even Yes to All (third button [Cancel]) if I have that activated in Oblivion.ini, which I have.


Damn... This explains why you didn't saw the packages in the first place... I did not thought about that companions usually do not have them added until the player makes that choice as I focused at the tools you where using. All companions have scripts...

Edited by Pellape
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Exactly as soon as I recruit them their AI packages start running but in a general way not an individual way. They can attack, follow, become slaves get higher in the faction but although they have the packages for sleeping and eating I don't see them do it or trying to find a bed nearby. And I need to add a drink package too cause they only have it for drinking at the camp in front of sinkhole cave or inside it.

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Yes. But what is the main thing you wanna do really? Walk around adding random companions or do you have a favorite that you want to keep? If you have a favorite then I have a completely different solution to suggest. If they only drink or eat at that camp, then they keep their original packages and if it is an original char, well then they are stored in Oblivion.esm


I seen some posts earlier about problems that turns up with recruiting mods and there is smarter ways to make companions really but if this suits your play style better then there seems to be no alternatives but only if you want to keep a special companion as then we make an approach from a completely different angle.


Also peek at your original thread as I saw Striker879 where asking a question there or making a tip at least.

Edited by Pellape
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Well sometimes it is enough with a name but in this case it did not... I was curious so therefor I made a search but it sure makes helping much easier.

Edited by Pellape
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Okido. Well my other approach to make you have a working companion might not be the right way to solve this... To solve it, we must use and edit that mod for sure but I have other projects running as this will take a lot of time to solve but if someone manage to solve the problem, we might not be able to publish it anyway so only the author can solve this I am afraid.


My idea that I was gonna get into was to make you make your own CM-partner based on a favorite NPC but I guess that is not exactly what you are looking for... :wink: Otherwise there is nothing as easy as making one with CMpartners.esm as base.

Edited by Pellape
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