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Great Must-have plugins?


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Well a Ti4200 is certainly enough card. Are your drivers up to date?


I also might suggest you check both your video card settings and the "Options" menu in Morrowind. Adjust both to your liking.


I've not heard of a plug-in called "Natural Beauty", maybe you mean the "Pretty Faces" plug-in? You can get that here:




As for general improvement in the MW looks, I could also suggest Albedo's Landscape Remix plug-in. It retextures many static items in-game (rocks, trees, architecture, etc.) making them look better in general. You can that plug-in here:



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Wow! Thanks all! I''m having a huge blast with Morrowind now that I am getting all of these mods. :)


I was also wondering, I heard someone talking about a plugin that modifies the sneak and stealth aspect of the game, any idea what it is called and where I can get it too?

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