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Combine Potions mod with a slight change... How to?


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Still new to making mods, wondering if anyone can give me some info on how I would take a Combine Potions mod (I know there's a few of them) and change it from combining at a cooking pot (which always seemed a bit goofy) and switch it to combining at the alchemy table... which, y'know, would make sense :D


I get the feeling it's either not possible or extremely difficult, or someone would've already done it...

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It's probably hard to do because the alchemy table only uses ingredients and the cooking pot uses all consumables.. I'm only guessing though.

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Yeah, but the cooking pot uses all consumables including ingrediants. alchemy tables use only ingredients.


Maybe theres a way to change alchemy tables in the CK, but I'm thinking it would require a major overhaul due the interface of the alchemy table. Though, I guess maybe it could be left the same and just treat potions as if they were ingredients. Maybe someone could just make a potion mixing table (recolored alchemy table) that only show potions so that the list doesn't get confusing.

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