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Secure Canturbury Commons


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I'm trying to get better at modding, but there's a mod I'd love to see and it's a bit beyond me at the moment.


I'm getting tired of visiting Canterbury Commons and finding dead Radscorpions and townsfolk all over the place. Or quick traveling over there and spawning in the middle of a fight where some baddie just spawned in the main street.


Can someone produce a mod that both makes CC a secure location from wandering monsters and from random spawns? It's supposed to be this secure and safe trade local, but it seems way too easy to take out.

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I've been trying to fiddle with this one and It's been a failure so far.

I can't figure out how to wall off the area w/out blocking the caravans.

I can't seem to spawn robot guards to protect it. (when i load the game they kill me).

And when I altered Dom and Machete's stats and inv to make them uber cheap godlike characters. It didn't do a damned thing.


So I'm still hoping someone with some skill might be willing to take this one on.

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I sort of wish there was some sort of way you could have handled the Superhero quest by convincing the two to defend the town together (or, hell, even individually). Or something. That might have been able to help a little bit, having friendly giant ants and friendly robots walking around controlled the heros. Or something.
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I can try making it. What exactly did you have in mind? More guards or better guards? Maybe a fence? In the mean time you might want to try getting the robco cert mod or the buildable robots mod and just leaving a few in town to boost the defences;)
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Always wondered about this also .. unfortunately some of the things wanted to try wouldn't quite work. was gonna mod the navmesh to block entrance, but then some folks that are supposed to get in for quest purposes can't ... fence works until they leave the gate open. Might try fence with automated respawning turrets that belong to your faction and the towns or something.
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Yeah i also use the robco certified mod to defend canterbury commons, bigtown, megaton and anywhere. It gives me a warm satisfaction leaving robots all over to guard my wasteland friends. Got 4 sentry bots, two brainbots and 3 protectrons guarding canterbury commons. The protectrons are beefed up and faster in the mod too.

I'd still like to see a mod that adds a few barricades, .. not blocked totally but staggered to form kind of killing zones, maybe a few sandbags and a guard at the front and back of the main street, a turret or two would be great also.

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I can try making it. What exactly did you have in mind? More guards or better guards? Maybe a fence? In the mean time you might want to try getting the robco cert mod or the buildable robots mod and just leaving a few in town to boost the defences;)


Ah, thanks for responding.

I was thinking something simple. I figured out how to use the baracade walls (concrete and wood) to block off the alleys and other weak spots, but I think the rad scorpions are either wandering in along the road, or are just spawning in the square.


A mix of the two ideas you mentioned would probably be best.


Since the town has a resident engineer (the Mechanist) it wouldn't be out of place to pop in a turret or 2 and maybe some robots. The trick would be to set them up so they don't try to kill the Antagonizer during her cutscene when you first arrive. I tried that one myself but I couldn't figure out how to set them up (they would kill me on sight every time I entered town).


However the guards could use some real boosting. Better armor, levels and weapons. I tried modding this as well, but aside from adding the new weapons to their inventory, I couldn't get them to use any of it or for it to make much of a difference.

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