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Portable/Placeabe Dynamic Map Markers


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Mods like Convenient Horse Herding (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26704) and Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger (CKNR; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10573) have placeable, dynamic map markers. They can be placed, removed, and replaced anywhere. However, each mod only comes with 1 marker, and, at least with CKNR, multiple copies of the camping kit will not work. What I'd like to see are a set of such map markers, perahaps set up to number themselves, such a "Marker 1", "Marker 2", etc... Or, if this is not possible, then a set of such markers, maybe 6 or 8, to allow Fast Travel to places that don't normally have their own marker. They could be made to look like flags or banners, or something similar. If I could run Skyrim past level 18 with the Ck installed, I might try and make these myself, but since the HelgenRandomSoundScript.PSC keeps crashing my game between levels 17 to 20, I'm hoping someone with more skill than I could tackle this. Thanks for your consideration.

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