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password required to access skyrim nexus site for some reason


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Yeah as the title says when I try to enter the skyrim nexus (and ONLY skyrim nexus) site it makes this popup thingy come up asking for a username and password and it also states Skyrim Nexus says: "CPanel"



I know this sounds weird and stuff but what the hell is going on here?


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Clear your cache and then enter your password and username. Sometimes it just boots you off. Same PW and Name as the forums and everything else. Let me know if that doesn't fix it.

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weird....someone will see this and come along shortly. Did you try it a few times? I occasionally get kicked off but I don't have the other issue. Try all the normal stuff, restart your browser, clear it a few times...all that just to see if it finally takes and then someone else will be along I am sure. :thumbsup:

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