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[ DESPERATELY IN NEED OF HELP. PLEASE? - Screenshots included. ]


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First thing's first: what's your load order? What mods to you use? What graphics card to you have, and is it updated to the latest drivers? Also: when you've deleted everything, how did you do it?


I can't promise that I understand the problem, but perhaps this information can help the other viewers to understand your procedure.

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did you fool around with your ini file as well?


Anyways, to "delete" skyrim simply right click it in steam and choose to remove the game and all of it's contents -> reinstall. Be careful in the mods that you choose next time around.


For me personally I try to choose mods that alter specific areas and very few that touch those same areas. It helps avoid conflict and well, some mods people download may not really be necessary. It depends on what you really want, but also weighing in the risk.

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I often get this issue if I alt-tab too much. I have Climates of Tamriel installed but I think I also see it when it isn't activated.

Are you uninstalling Climates of Tamriel or are you just unchecking it in your load order. If removing Climates of Tamriel doesn't work you don't have to uninstall the game unless you f***ed with any of the ini files. just remove all your mods or any that might be causing the problem lighting climate weather stuff like that and delete your saves (you might not have to delete you saves just removing the mods might work so check before you delete them) then make new ones.

Edited by artificialsloth
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