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Recent site updates and NMM 0.44.3 released


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In response to post #7633399.

Not here. I used a different server. Hope my guides are helping the people in the community. Always sending blessings and thanks to you and the Nexus team.Gramps Edited by Thorne67
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In response to post #7631819. #7632181, #7632684 are all replies on the same post.

@ Zombie Wombles - I understand the point you are trying to make but I'm really going out of my way to help my users/subscribers. I listen to most of their suggestions and often add them to my mods. I was in chat sessions for 5 hours last night helping people get my new mod working. In every single case it was a mod conflict that they didn't know affected their functionality, which was a relief for me, but the long list of frustrated posts is already on the comment feed at that point which does scare away some users who read the comments. Plus they aren't terribly helpful. I really care about my mod users and my most recent build I literally rebuilt my main mod from scratch 3 times over in order to eliminate any possible errors and conflicts. Double checking it with TES5edit along the way. However sometimes there are instances where you'd just like to delete your own posts or a user's posts who gets a bit rambunctious on your comments page. Or more often the case I double Post a comment that I'd like to remove from the comment feed so my users are only looking at useful information. Is it such a bad thing to ask for the ability to delete those comments? I mean I should at least be able to delete my own comments. I mean I hate to point this out but it's fairly basic functionality on both youtube and the steam workshop. A user can always report the modder if we are being jerks or disrespectful so even if I got in an argument with a user and blatently deleted all of their comments out of spite they could still report me and hold me accountable. So I'm not sure if I see a good reason not to have the ability to delete posts or comments on your own mod... Maybe I am out of line here but it seems like it would be sensible functionality to me... Edited by Sku11M0nkey
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It's official; Testing ver. 44.4 & I'm sad to report that I'm still having problems with the "DISSAPEARING Check-Boxes" issue, on my mod load-order list.. (making me have to restart NMM with every few mod tweaks) because I'm flying blind here, when that happens.

I think I still have 44.1 & never had any problems, so I might have to try & revert-back and wait for the next update.. :(

Edited by BigBadBrave
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In response to post #7638288.

Uh.. I have a question for you on that one...my problem fixed itself with a shutdown of the computer and a cold boot back up. You're not just logging off and back on to try to refresh your video drivers when you test your mods over and over are you? Although.. i do remember there was a SKSE.INI command to flush all the buffers on exit that worked well..
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I don't see a link for feature requests, so here's mine: I and other users are eating up massive amounts of bandwidth having to re-load the description page for mods OVER AND OVER AND OVER, when I am really just trying to get to the posts/comments section, which never seems to refresh when I want it to. Can we get the option in 'edit preferences' to ALWAYS load the 'posts' or any section of our choosing first?
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I'm trying to upload an image to my Mod but all I get is...





The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...


No file was uploaded. [98-1-1364126951.jpg]


This has been happening for about 2 days now, and I really need to upload the image to release my newest version.

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I have to say as a player with about 70 mods installed I don't have any issues with NMM. I use NMM, TesMOdMan, Boss and Wyre Bash and between them and using Tes5 Editor to tweak or clean mods I do very well thank you.


One rule I live by in gaming is if it's not working right ask yourself why isn't and go down the line of thinks you can tweak first before blaming it on someon else. That's just simple common sence.


Also, unless you have a beast of a machine you will have to lower game settings as you pile on mods or it will stutter, freeze, or crash. Remeber every mod YOU add-on is a mod not intended in the original creation of the game and that costs more strain on the game (and your PC) to keep it working. The best of both worlds usually is just a pipe dream. LOL :) Game well my friends and I hope I helped someone in my incoherent ramblings.



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In response to post #7663859. #7664444 is also a reply to the same post.

Wait on that a bit.. we're still workin the bugs out. If you haven't read all the posts we had a BIG crunch a few updates ago that got the entire community riled up.
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