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Recent site updates and NMM 0.44.3 released


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Possible issue I thought you should be aware of, me and another player had this happen after updating several mods in NMM and our last save was an indoor save, the game ctd when attempting to exit to exterior cell. Were able to work around that with a save cleaner utility but not sure what caused that in the first place. Any ideas?
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"The Download with NMM button no longer shows in the file header if a file has more than 1 main file. The user will have to go to the “files” tab and choose which file they want to download."


Thank you for this! Very much needed, as some folks tended to just push that button without going to the files tab and would then complain in the comments that they got the wrong file or the mod wasn't working, etc. Thanks for all these updates. :)

Edited by faeriexdecay
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The new feature which it prevents readme files to be extracted is causing some of the mod REQUIRED files not to be installed correctly if not installed AT ALL.


The one I could confirm to have such conflict was FNIS. I know for a fact that there are others in my mod list so I had to deactivate all and reinstall all mods AFTER I REINSTALL THE WHOLE GAME AGAIN BEFORE REALIZING THIS.


You've been warned people. And please fix this asap. You couldn't imagine how painful it was until I found out the problem.

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@domin8MGS - There are search functions for mods on each of the game site pages. And a search for the forums on the forum pages. For some reason the person who coded the sites labeled them "Search".


For mods - look all the way at the top of any game site page

For forum searching - used to find stuff on the forums - look in the upper right side.

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