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Recent site updates and NMM 0.44.3 released


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In response to post #7613500.

tl;dr - go to NMM General options and UNcheck the "Don't extract Readme files". Reinstall the mods that haven't been installed correctly since the last update.

If you skim through the comments you'll see there's an issue with one of the new features that's turned ON by default (feature 1):
If you don't turn the feature off in the options, some txt files won't get installed in the proper folders. I believe fnis and asis are among these. Probably frostfall too if this is your experience.

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keep them updates coming! :D

Thanks soo much!


a suggestion, if i may. A "search" tab for NMM?

I'm a mod hogger and it becomes quite difficult to navigate to an intended mod sometimes. The "search" tab would be a bonus to me :D


Thanks in advance!

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PLEASE FIX this .txt file removal, induced by the new Don't extract Readme files" option. THIS IS A SERIOUS BUG! The FNIS comments, and my pms as spammed with users complaining about that.


And before someone argues that .txt files are not part of the game: THIS IS WRONG! There are plenty of .txt files scattered in data/meshes and below, as an interface between the game engine and the behaviors. We just don't know how to mod them. Yet.

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hey guys can anyone help me everytime i try to enable a plugin NMM crashes this hasn't before so i im not sure why this keeps happening


this also happens when i try to move mods up or down the load order


EDIT: i fixed it dont worry

Edited by shabbeer
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The new thing called tessource evolved into tesnexus and it was good...

metamorphosis from tesnexus into nexusmods and we had wings

Now the beautiful creature is really learning to fly...

LOL way to go community and thanks Dark0ne

have a look back with web.archive.org/

The Elder Scrolls Source | Your Source For Morrowind and Oblivion!



The Elder Scrolls Nexus - Oblivion mods? You betcha!

Remind me to tell you the story of the Phoenix ...

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Found a bug :(

If i add a mod manualy to nmm or use the download to nmm button the mod shows up like normal.

But, the latest mod version shows up blank and that also means i cant click on the link in nmm to go straight to the mod pages.

It only happens to new mods being added, and already existing mods before the update are unaffected.


Does anyone else have this issue or is it just me?


Thanks nmm team for the updates and improvements, couldnt mod without nmm!

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