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Adding a new Container to a Vendor ?


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So, i created a new container with specific Formlists. Now i want to assign this Container (i.e. customcontainer1) to a vendor. How do i do that ?

To be more exact, i dont see how "VendorContainerDocMitchell" is actually linked to DocMitchel.


Basicly, i need to know where/how NPCs are linked to their specific containers.


Please advise ?


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The NPC's are linked to their chests easy. I'll show you how to link them


1st) Place your chest somewhere the player cant get.

2) In your NPC, select the vendor chest


3) In your NPC, select what he can sell


4) assuming you know how to dialogue, in the option where he will show his sell menu, type in the Result (End) ShowBarterMenu


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