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How do you remove key/purchase requirements from player home mods?


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Hi, I'd really like to make Winterstone Castle my main player base and want to be able to fast travel, etc. to it right at the beginning. I've been getting the hang of using SSEEdit to make small adjustments to different mods for my own use, but I can't for my life figure out how to disable the key requirement so that it's an active player home from the start.


Does anyone know how to do this? I've been looking through all of the items in the esp and see things related to the key or sale of the house but none of them seem to be the right option to just flat out disable the need to purchase it (or the need to have a key, if buying the home simply puts the key in your inventory...I'm not sure how it works).


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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The description page for that mod says that it costs 40,000 and that one just needs to click on the sign next to the door. I would surmise then that there is a script attached to an activator surrounding the sign (or the sign is an activator). An attached script most likely using the OnActivate event checks that the player has the 40,000 and swaps that out for the key. But that is just a guess based on reading the description (I have no intention of downloading the mod to find out for sure). If this is indeed how it happens, you could change the property value governing the cost from 40,000 to 0. Then, on a new game so the change is reflected, you could just click on the sign to get the key without any cost.

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You could always gift yourself a bunch of cash to purchase the home. Mods like Manipulator (See LL) provide a cheat to grant the player 10K gold each time the button is pressed. For button presses and you're golden (haha), or you could use console to do the same in one command.

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Thanks but the cost itself isn't the problem. What I did for testing purposes was use the console command to show all map markers, fast traveled to the house, used the console to give myself 50k gold and then bought the house. But I was hoping to not have to do any of that...I'd like the house to be available for fast travel from game start, without having to unlock the whole map, and as far as I understand, it'll only be available that way if I already own the home. So many other player homes just exist, and they show up on the map for fast travel as soon as you add the mod, so I was hoping to simply remove the conditions that prevent it from being your home right away. But it sounds like that may not be possible...

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To be able to fast-travel to the castle from the start, you need to make it's map marker 'visible'. To do that, load the mod up in SSEdit, go down to "Worldspace" on the left, expand the sub-headings under that and hunt around until you find an entry that has the name of the Castle in it (every mod author does it a bit different). What you are looking for is the Map Marker entry, it will show up on the right pane. Once there, scroll down until you find the heading called "Map Marker". Expand that menu (if it isn't already), and find the "FNAM" sub-heading. In the right column next to that, double-click on that line and that should bring up a drop-down menu. Click the entries for "Visible" and "Can Travel To".


As far as owning it from the start, IsharaMeridan is probably right, so while in SSEdit, go up to the "Activator" heading in the left pane, expand that menu, and see if you can find a activator that checks for gold in the player's inventory (not sure how it would actually be worded). Then edit the value in the right pane to 0 and you should be all set.

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Hi, I couldn't figure out the sale part but thanks so much for the advice on making it possible to fast travel there from the start. Good to know for any other homes I want to set up!


For the sale...there's an activator entry for "buy winterstone castle" but it doesn't give any options for cost. It only includes a model and marker color for the purchase sign on the castle wall. There's nothing else in there.


There is a separate item called Key, which is its own category (not in the activator section). And it's called key to winterstone castle. But it the DATA section at the volume shows value and weight as 0, the keyword says vendoritemkey, and then there's just some model and sound effect information.


There are also a few items in the Messages category, for Sale, Not enough cash, and Sold, but they don't appear to do anything besides display the messages themselves. I don't see anything else related to the key or sale of the home anywhere else in the esp, so I must be overlooking something or else it's set up in a complicated way that I can't find :-\

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I did some digging into the files, extracted the bsa and found the script that deals with the sale. However, after decompiling the pex to psc and editing it, I can't get it back into pex format. I've tried two different programs and they failed. I even tried recompiling an unedited version the script and it just doesn't work...can't manage to get it back into pex format :-(

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You need the Creation Kit in order to compile a PSC into a PEX. Even if you do not use the Creation kit itself to do the compiling, the compiler files are a part of the Creation Kit installation.


For SSE you can get the Creation Kit for free through the Bethesda Launcher

For SLE you can get the Creation Kit for free in your Steam Tools library

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I have CK, but I finally figured out how to use it to get the pex. Now my problem is packing everything back into a bsa. It's just one thing after another lol.


I've got CK open and opened/made the player home the active file, and then did Create Archive. But....I've been sitting here forever and I don't know if it's working. I know it can take a while for larger mods but I'm a little worried it's just frozen or something at this point.


Actually, the log window seems to be showing something new so I guess it's still running...and just taking a really long time. Let's hope it works...it would mean I have more flexibility with the mods I download if I can learn how to do this :-)

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