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Did you know? Open BSA direct from Nifskope?

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I just found a button I have seen so many times, but I completely ignored it and I have used Nifscope since 2004, but then it might not have been there...

Well I pushed that button some minutes ago and what did I see??



Browse Archive? Well we can browse all meshes after opening a complete bsa in Nifscope, and easy and fast watch every damn mesh. This is completely new to me and no one have mentioned this in any tutorial we made as we all informs others to use the BSA unpacker, which we still need for the textures. When I think about it, we sure need this feature for textures inside GIMP as well ;)

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Hmm, interesting. It's one of the new features in the pre-alpha releases, v2.0dev3. But it was published at the end of 2015. How comes I missed it this whole time?

Then again, when did I do the last version check anyways? I definitely need to check that out the next occasion possible.

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Just had a look ... it's not available in my good old trusty version 1.0.22 of NifSkope but is there in version 2.0.dev7 (which I have but seldom use).

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