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Pokeballs - Just for fun


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Remember the mod in Oblivion where you would capture npc's then hit another with that ball and they would fight well I do and I'd like to see that in Fallout 3 imagine going through the wastes with a Pokeball in hand (like a gernade) and you see a Deathclaw you hit it with the ball and it goes in side. You then pick it up and keep walking. You hear a shot and you turn towards it, a band of Raiders are attacking you. You attack them with the ball and the Deathclaw emerges allied with you and kills the Raiders but not before you capture one to use next time you then either pick up the ball the deathclaw was in or you hit it with another keeping it safe in your invantory.
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This isn't putting those vile creatures into the game just a way to capture npc's and creatures to ally them to you after you capture them and release them by hitting another npc or creature with it which also gives it the first target I HATE all the "mons" too just not the idea of capturing npc's and creatures in a round air-tight cell which makes them your battle slaves.
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Again none of the creatures realated to pokemon or any other "mon" or even yugioh in the mod just forced battles of anything living in fallout 3 from the balls the creatures were in, now it'd be another thing to make a total conversion of shooting the creatures as a way to let of a load of steam, blood, bullets and mini-nukes.


Now down to buisness. Any one know any way to get into contact with kitttez, the maker of the Oblivion pokeball mod, scince the account on these forums have been inactive scince Dec. 1st 2007 so we can find out how it was made so we can either make our own or see if Pokeballs will be released for Fallout 3 by the original maker.

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i like it :P but instead of pokeballs. lets just say tin can.. all the "mon" hater's migth like it better.. i sure do.. "if only i could get my hands on picachu.. it would be picabuhu" anyways.. some way to "collect" creatures would be nice :)
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