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Weird arrow problem


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I have this weird problem with arrows(all this goes for bolts too). When i shoot straight ahead of me, arrows fly where my crosshair points, but when i point down the arrows fly abit above my crosshair, and when i point up my arrows fly abit down from my crosshair. The more up or down i point the more the arrows deviate.

I'd be happy if someone knows a way to fix this, it doesn't make marksman unusable, but having to point below a creature that is below me to hit it is quite annoying.


Thanks in advance,



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That didnt really answer his question ;)


And I have something like that, but it doesnt deviate like that. And also its the law of physics that the Morrowind creators were smart to have put in. In real life, if you shoot an arrow (as you might know), if you shoot it straight, it will go down due to gravity, so you have to shoot slightly above the mark to hit it. I dunno if this answered your question, but if it didnt, all I can say is: I dont know why its doing that... I'd have to see the problem to possibly help with it. Sorry if I didnt help, but the only other thing I could suggest it either re-start or take off the crosshair and give your self a bigger challenge =o)

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Well guys, since i'm a big fan of marksman, not using a bow is not gonna happen ^_^

And Adras, although it's a nice theorie, arrows that you shoot downwards are not supposed to fly up ;) , which happens in my case.

It's like my arrows fly at about 2/3s of the distance between my crosshair and straight ahead. Since noone seems to know about this problem i guess i'll have to mail my save-game to Besthesda, but thanks anyway people.

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