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OOO spawn problem, perhaps...

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<p>Usually in Oblivion you tend to see mudcrabs and stuff, but after I installed OOO it seems quite intermittent that I see creatures at all. Sometimes I got attacked by a few wolves, saw a troll get killed, and when I left Narind I got attacked by a whole mob of stuff, a Spirit of the Woods is the only thing I remember. But it's strange that I don't really see anything at all just traveling around, don't think I've even seen any mudcrabs or fish in the water. In caves and ruins etc, I see lots of stuff, it only seems to affect the Tamriel worldspace. I found it confusing installing OOO so I just packed all archives into an omod and went with it, might have to start over now... They supposedly have a new website that doesn't exist for their new 1.35 version. So I cannot find an updated readme that's comprehensive, only basic OBMM installation instructions on their mod description on TESAlliance. <a href="http://pastebin.com/zXWgFHbG">http://pastebin.com/zXWgFHbG</a> Here is my load order. I had a problem with it as it seems BOSS and TESModManager were not agreeing with each other. TMM would keep locking the load order, thus changing it from BOSS's load order, so I uninstalled TMM. Wrye Bash also decided to merge a bunch more plugins from OOO after I rebuilt the patch, and even after all this, the most ive seen spawn is a mudcrab and a wolf, as far as NPCs, some marauders. Nothing shows up around forts, ruins, nothing. If anyone can show me something with more updated information on this mod that would be very helpful. LOL. Nevermind, I think I fixed the problem. It looks like I just checked all the OOO esps, so I had the game trying to do all the respawn rates lol, silly me. Anyway - solved my own problem, it seems to be working fine now.</p> Edited by The Black Ninja
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I found it confusing installing OOO so I just packed all archives into an omod and went with it, might have to start over now...


That is your problem, which you have answered yourself -- you need to uninstall/start over. The included readme is quite comprehensive, so you need to read it carefully.

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