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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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Does anyone know what I can do to fix the following problem? When I upgraded to NMM 44.3, from 44.2, the new installation of the NMM didn't, and still does not recognize or display my current mods, as it did before. I have already tried an uninstall/reinstall, as well as a reinstall of previous versions and then upgrading again. Am I crazy, or missing a critical step somewhere? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
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@Cleric: Lots of people don't realise that once you uninstall NMM, the reinstall process doesn't remember your folder paths and it defaults to the NMM defaults on first install, and not to your actual mod folders on your hard-drive. So they uninstall, reinstall, look at the mod folder paths and think "yep, that looks right" but don't realise the new NMM install isn't pointing to where the old NMM install placed mods.


Double-check your mod folder paths and ensure your new install of NMM is using the same paths as your old install.

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In response to post #7673831.

Thank you! I will try that.Update. It worked, thank you. The only downside is that it didn't recognize that my mods were already installed, so I'm going through them again. No biggie. Time consuming though. I'm in the neighborhood of 225ish mods, between added goodies and texture/mesh replacers. Thankfully, I've got the hardware necessary to run it all on Ultra. Thanks again for the advice and info, Dark0ne! Edited by ClericofMeridia
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In response to post #7673612. #7673713 is also a reply to the same post.

Yep sorry, let's open another topic about such things next time. Got carried away a bit. And thanks for your interest in such matters. Edited by Bunik
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In response to post #7673652.

That's not what happened at all.As soon as we knew about the hack we took down the affected servers. Once we cleaned them up and thought we had it patched up and fixed we put the servers back online. Unfortunately the hacker had left a backdoor we couldn't find and hacked the servers again around 12 hours later, at 2.30am in the morning. At that point as soon as we found out we again took the affected servers down and did a full wipe of the servers.Throughout it all only two of the 12 file servers we have were affected, which is why a lot of people were unaffected by the problems.If you'd still like to argue we some how acted inappropriately then I'll just be over here, ignoring the argument. Edited by Dark0ne
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hacking is common these days..

but why hack nexus servers? O_O

do they get money by doing that?

or maybe..

something bigger is hiding behind those hackers...

someone who wants to take down nexus...

well... i don't have knowledge on those server things..

i might be right, but i might also be wrong..

93% of humans on earth can be moved by money..

especially today...


it's just my conclusion...


but if i'm wrong...

then, those hackers only hacked nexus..

just to have fun?

seems legit..

Edited by Loshirai14
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In response to post #7674256.

Hackers tend to fall in to three brackets.

1) Hacking for the sake of hacking. For the fun of it.
2) Hacking to cause damage/as an attack because they're butt-hurt about site policies/being banned/anything and everything
3) Hacking to try and extort and scam people in an attempt to gain either power (botnets) or money

This hack fits in to the third bracket.
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The hack is a common attack, it is motivated by money in that if you fall for it and download and run the bogus program your computer shows a warning that the FBI has found copyrighted material on your computer and you MUST pay a fine of around US$300 - somehow people are suckered into believing that sending money to the FBI in ANOTHER COUNTRY!! is legitimate.


If you know anything about the FBI, they don't work that way The FBI does not fine you. they arrest you and the judge you go before sets the penalty. NOT THE FBI.


It was not targeted at anything beyond a desire to rip people off - we were just a convenient target at the time. The same virus has hit servers for sites much bigger than the Nexus.


The virus pops up and covers the entire screen whenever you boot up. and will not allow you to do anything - then if you do send the money :rolleyes: you will still have the problem because all they want is your money and they aren't going to do anything for you at all.


It is a pain to get rid of - you will need another uninfected computer to get the instructions to kill it.

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