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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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It's great to see that the result of this incident is people working together and suggesting better AV's to help others out and giving their personal experiences regarding them, so they know they work and that they're legit.


Nice one.

Edited by Metal-Gear-REX
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i get this warning when downloading from some servers, it goes line after line fills up the whole browser...


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/fs11/public_html/Core/BBoC.pinc on line 1092

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In response to post #7635205. #7636326, #7636511 are all replies on the same post.

You can always put that .EXE in a zip file, (or .rar/.7z) and then upload it. If you suddenly get asked to download an .EXE if the site were to ban them for upload, you would know instantly that it's viral. It's just a tad safer, you know? Emails don't allow .EXE attachments for this reason. Like I said, it's just an idea. Edited by Guest
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In response to post #7636580. #7636673, #7636717 are all replies on the same post.

I also recommend ESET NOD32. Even the Antivirus version I have been using is enough to protect my PC from viruses, not to mention that they have an Internet Security version with firewall. Their real time scan is awesome. I have not seen a single file coming into my PC that can get through it. Their daily database update is also unparallel. The best thing about the Antivirus is that it mostly works silently in the background and does not consume all of your CPU usage like other antiviruses tend to do. I recommended it to my friends, my sister, my mom, and they all love it.
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**It's unfortunate, but sure Nexus would never knowingly put it's users at risk. That's be ridiculous to place much blame there.. I was fortunate to have a legitimate 44.3.

-That being said, Q's over a lesser-but-highly-annoying issue:


*I'm having problems with ' DISSAPEARING ' CHECK-BOXES in my mods toggle-list in 44.3

I'm updating now, but didn't see a mention in the 44.4 bug-fix list.


Has ANYone else experienced or reported this? (Or do I need to take a break from gaming & rest my tired eyes?.. Lol) It happens EVERY time I shuffle mods or toggle them on or off. So have to exit & re-start NMM on every other mod tweak! (sigh) :/


Haven't seen any reports of this, so interested in hearing if it's just me.

Hopefully, I won't see happen in the new version though. Glad to see it out so quickly.. Hurrah, for txt. fix & new PDF support!


Happy gaming~




Edited by BigBadBrave
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In response to post #7636580. #7636673, #7636717, #7637508, #7637708 are all replies on the same post.

I would recommend you Comodo Internet Security Premium (Comodo server)wich is free, but because its free that doesnt mean its not good. Click Im using it for about 2 or 3 years, and would recommend it to everyone. If you would not use internet security, you can download Comodo firewall or antivirus only. Right now it uses only 12mb of ram.Malwarebytes (Softpedia UK server)is good for scaning. Edited by digdeep
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I am currently having an issue with the site since the recent update. I can no longer choose to sort mods different ways. When I search for something it is stuck showing me by most recent upload only. I can't sort by, say, amount of endorsements. While technically the options are there, the green "Go!" button isn't and therefore I can't sort them. Any suggestions? I already disabled all extensions on Chrome thinking that may be it. If this is just something I'm overlooking sorry...
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I think, if you can spare the money, investing in a white-hat hacker, or a small team of them, would go a long way in hardening your systems... because they are working for you, any vulnerabilities they find would be reported and immediately patched, before malicious (black-hat) hackers can even think about attacking.


But only if you can spare the coin. Otherwise, just keep up the good work, and hopefully this site can stay up for many games to come!

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In response to post #7636580. #7636673, #7636717, #7637508, #7637558 are all replies on the same post.

Comodo comes as a package and you can install the separate versions through the install using the custom option. You can get it at www.filehippo.com or www.softpedia.com though I am not too familiar with softpedia's layout as i dont use em unless google sends me there for a resource or file I need for my work. As with ALL things though. YOU are the computer user. Scan EVERYTHING you download before running it. Even the antivirus software you want to try. As for cookie born or internet "alive" virii...I have no advice. I know how to protect what I have on my OWN systems, not what's floating in the ether. Comodo has ALWAYS blocked sites that have suspicious behaviour for me where I have to manually tell it to accept the url.As for this "hacker" attack, us users here need to start a sticky page so we can rant about it at leisure and leave the NMM forums for suggestions like it's meant to be.Blessings to all.Gramps.Hey. Is Panda AV still runable in DOS mode? I DID like that feature long ago... Edited by Thorne67
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