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Perk Points per Level


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Hey, I try to set up Skyrim with mods in such a way that I will be able to master every skill and get every perk while still having a considerable challenge. Without using the console the perk part is impossible, everything else I can get mods for. I can't find any perk per level mod that works. I want a mod that offers more perk points per level with different plugins for different amounts of perks per level, 2, 3 4, and so on. I want it to allow conversion of dragon souls to perks.


Can anyone make this happen?

Edited by Ensrick
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Hey, I try to set up Skyrim with mods in such a way that I will be able to master every skill and get every perk while still having a considerable challenge. Without using the console the perk part is impossible, everything else I can get mods for. I can't find any perk per level mod that works. I want a mod that offers more perk points per level with different plugins for different amounts of perks per level, 2, 3 4, and so on. I want it to allow conversion of dragon souls to perks.


Can anyone make this happen?


Use Elys Skyrim Uncapper

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SkyRE makes you get more perk point at leveling (Also has way more perks, so you won't be able to master everything. But it's damn fun to have it.)

For the other, search ''dragon soul'' at Nexus. I had multiple finds for this. Some of them may be good enough for you.

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