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New Install, Water problems.


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So yeah, after getting fed up with oblivion being a stuttering bung holio for some reason that i couldn't isolate, i decided to go with a fresh Re-install.


Game runs smoothly, that's all fine and dandy however my water in the game is acting quite peculiar.



Picture VERY related.


Not sure if it's a shader problem or an ini problem..


As a note i'm using OBGE and OBGE Liquid Water, i disable them both and i still have the issue, so it's gotta be something to do with vanilla settings i think..




PC Specs Here:

AMD Athlon II X2 220 Processor 2.80 hz


64 bit OS

Nvidia Geforce GT 640

PC ( not a laptop )

^ as above, i honestly shouldn't have any problems running the game at all, I can run Skyrim on high no problems.
Well gentlemen, i hope you can save me in my darkest hour, gods know i don't want to re install oblivion all over again.
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If you're sure that it's not OBGE, then delete your \Documents\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini and re-launch the game from OblivionLauncher.exe .

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When you do a clean install and you know that it is working (if you have the drive space for it) back up your textures and meshes from the vanilla game. That way if in the future you have a problem (sometimes just opening the TESCS will corrupt stuff, sometimes the game does it on its own after you've played for a while, textures or meshes get corrupted or go missing) you can just drag over the good working version from your backups instead of reinstalling. I started doing this after playing Morrowind for months with no modding of any kind and suddenly a place that I had previously entered not an hour before was causing a CTD. Turned out the mesh for Daedric Right Guantlet's floor Nif had gotten corrupted during play and I had to reinstall. It also happens in Skyrim.

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