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Skyrim is a bit like Sweden right now


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Both are set in "Nordic" themed country (Even though Skyrim is a region)



The Khajiit and Argonians are the immigrants. (No racism intended)


The Nords are the Swedes.


The Stormcloaks are the Swedish Nationalist party (recently they got a lot of votes, just like the Stormcloaks got a lot of attention and followers)


The Thalmor are China and India. (Even though Sweden was pretty atheistic to begin with, Thalmor fit as them as the news papers always say something along the lines of "The Chinese has taken all the jobs" and complain all the time about it, as well as India)


The Empire are the rest of the Swedish parties. They don't like the Nationalist party and none of the parties (there's more than 2 parties in Sweden and since there are many they usually decide to go into two groups, the conserative and the liberal) have yet let them to join their group, and most mock them too.




I don't want to start a huge discussion about which party is best. I just thought I should drop this here as it would fit best here as an discussion.

Edited by AlienSensei
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with Swedish Nationalism (Sverigedemokraterna) just

like there is nothing wrong with the Stormcloaks.

Both are looking to a time when there country was there own and they had their say as

to what happened in their nation.

Problem is that if you are so used to having "the empire" (your version) telling you what

is right and wrong you're going to end up believing them and end up hating those in their

struggle for liberation.


Kind of makes me think about the States ... the Democrats being the "empire" and the

Republicans are the Stormcloaks ... viva la revolucion !

There's a Stormcloak in every nation ....



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There is absolutely nothing wrong with [...] Sverigedemokraterna

You mean the party that was suspiciously lenient towards three of its top members after they assaulted women and immigrants and waved steel pipes around in the street? Yeah, a really nice party and surely a great source of inspiration to democracy in general.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with [...] Sverigedemokraterna

You mean the party that was suspiciously lenient towards three of its top members after they assaulted women and immigrants and waved steel pipes around in the street? Yeah, a really nice party and surely a great source of inspiration to democracy in general.

Pretty much sums it up^

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with [...] Sverigedemokraterna

You mean the party that was suspiciously lenient towards three of its top members after they assaulted women and immigrants and waved steel pipes around in the street? Yeah, a really nice party and surely a great source of inspiration to democracy in general.


In the context of Sverigedemokraterna being like the Nationalistic Stormcloaks and looking to

protect their heritage, I have no problem ... everyone deserves that ... before long your own

nation isn't your own, and you find that you have to tread lightly so that you don't offend

outsiders who have "set up shop" on your doorstep ... in your own country.


When they come they don't just bring themselves, they bring their customs as well, and if

there's a politician in your constituency that's looking for extra votes, then you can guarantee

that they are going to grab hold of the immigrants to get their vote.

the payoff for the immigrant is that he or she gets to exercise some form of control and gets

their customs in the door ... and on many an occasion they get them into law.

To bad if their ways are contrary to your old ways, you have to compromise ... in your own

country !


The "empire" always screams and shouts about freedom for all ... but it comes at a price ... your

Nationalistic freedom, your right to be you.

Democracy isn't as brilliant as people tend to believe ... how many countries didn't get to

exercise their "Democratic" right to vote and that was the last time they voted in peace because

the clowns who came into power stayed there by the barrel of the gun ... don't believe me ?

Then check out Africa, The Middle East, Asia and South America ... the political landscape

is filled with "Democratic" corpses.

Every time I see the words ... Democratic Peoples Republic ... I can pretty much guarantee

that freedom left that nation the day that democracy entered it.


The reason why Democracy works in the West is because of the Western mindset, foreigners

are really foreign, they really don't think like we do.

Now we don't hate them for being different, we are not to become bigots, spewing hatred

against them ... including wielding steel pipes in the street ... which is merely a sign of genuine

frustration with the powers that be.

No, we accept others as long as they live by our rules and laws and if this is the West then I'm

pretty sure that our laws ultimately protect everyone and gives people the right to live in peace.

No need to change them.


The Stormcloacks pretty much accept those who are more like them ... however, the stranger

the foreigner is in looks and ways, the less tolerant they are towards them.

A mirror reflection of our world.

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I think that Skyrim is more like the ancient times from the vking and Rome Era. The Barbarians ended the roman empire (Just like the stormcloaks will end the empire)

It wasn't about the looks or that kind of stuff. It was about the groups and the messages of the people.

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  • 3 months later...

As a Norwegian nationalist I very much admire Sweden; they're significantly ahead of us in terms of "Stormcloak activity". It's likely because they're part of the EU and have a much higher degree of immigration, and because the Swedish government is politically correct (culturally depraved) to the point that they've made up the new pronoun "hem" to replace "him" and "her", and actively promote homosexuality and interracial marriage even in literature for kindergarten. There'll be a boiling point soon, I except, which is why I donate to Swedish organizations instead of Norwegian ones; the support will likely have a higher impact in Sweden due to the momentum.

Edited by eriknm
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