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Why is Skyrim Crashing? Please help!


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I need to get this fix, I LOVE Skyrim! I have been downloading mods from Nexus and onto NMM, and after awhile, Skyrim would just suddenly crash back to desktop like I had exited out of it! But I hadn't! I would deactivate a mod, and then it would work. But I started to add other mods, and now it just keeps on crashing. It gets to Bethesda and then shows the skyrim icon and then crashes back to desktop! What the heck is that about????!!!! PLEASE HELP! I really want (no need) to fix this problem. :ohdear:

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White Tavern clothes

Unbound Bow

Templar Weapons

Tarien Soul Face TattooWarpaint

Succbus Race


Skyrim Performanceand Crash Prevention Tutrial Information

Simple Multiple Followers- 0p52

Simple Multiple Followers- 0p51

Several Horses Summons Mod


Revised Horses

Race Menu

Project Sekieri

Prisioner Clothes Female V3 only

Poneytail Hairstyles

Playable Children PLUS- orignal release

Ohmes- Raht Race SFW Edition

Nouks Hairstyles

No More Blocky Faces

Neo's Oriental Dress v1_20CBBE UN

Niaad Race- UNP CBBE Dawnguard Support

More Hair Colors

Minature Horses

Moamer Race No Corrupted

Lore Hairstyles Set

Longer Bound Bow- if you have mystic binding perk

Khag and Kenna the giant khajiit couple followers- the follower 2

Khag and Kenna the giant khajiit couple followers- the follower

Horses for followers

Highly Transparent glass armor and weapons CBBE and UNP Supported

Golden Daedric - V1_3

Fetish Latex Catsuit- TS_FetishcatsuitV0_8

Deus Mon- Deus Mon v_1_21

Detailed Lips

Craftable clothes and robes

craftable armored children clothes

Convientant horses- convientant horse v4_6

convientant horses- convientant horses v3_1 alternative skin textures

convient horses- unique frost

child clothes for adult based children- my little addon- main file

Bound Crossbow

Blaze of Eventide- Blaze Eventide v1_6

Blaze Follower

Better Make-up for SKSE- High Res Female lips for pretty face by tktk refted

Assasains Creed- Jester clothes female replacer

Arache_suco-Glowing Spider follower_pet


Amulet of Stealth- V2

Afflicted Race

Aerith- Finaly Fantasy 7 Clothes and Hairstyles

5 New Warpaints for females By Den987


And there you go! Now all of them are activated though, just so you know :)

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bro, are your mods placed in alphabetical order?? Mods have to be arranged in a certain load order based on function.


What are the mods you added around the time the problems began?


Have you paid attention to the requirements of the mods you've added, or compatibility?

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The crash you're describing is usually caused by a missing master file. Plugins sometimes require that another plugin or master be loaded before they can load. If the required file isn't loaded, it causes the game to silently crash at the dragon logo.


First, grab BOSS and use it to sort your load order. It uses a user managed master list to determine the best placement for all of your mods. It's not 100% perfect, but it is a good starting point. BOSS will also give you a number of suggestions for cleaning/updating plugins and it is suggested to follow them, but that can wait til your game at least lets you load up a save.


If sorting your load order with BOSS doesn't solve your issue, grab Wrye Bash. It can tell you exactly which plugin is missing a master, and what the master is. You may have simply forgot to check off a plugin/master for one of your mods, or one of your mods requires another mod in order for it to work.


Be sure to read descriptions and readmes as they'll almost always contain pertinent information. It's advised to install mods one at a time and go in-game and test that the new mod is working properly. That way, when an issue like this arises, you know exactly where to start troubleshooting.

Edited by MShoap13
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