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Action Role-Playing Games (Singleplayer)


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Well Ive recently walked away from SW:TOR (F2P killed it for me) and started to play older games I missed, so here my list


In no specific order of single player games I enjoying again (or have)


- The Witcher 1

- The Witcher 2

- Alpha Protocol (man did Obsidian mess up on this game, the hacking and mini games are insanely hard (even at easy level) and can create a choke point early on that will frustrate you and drive players away. I know I put game on shelf for 3 years before retrying again. But if you can get past the opening choke point and get into the game, its FANTASTIC. Obsidian really screwed up with their early design that drove players away and ultimately killed this franchise. Could have been their iconic IP franchise if they used a little brain power in early design)

- Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 (damn you steam and your deals)

- LA Noir

- Fall Out 3

- Mass Effect 1

- Mass Effect 2

- Dragon Age: Origins

-Dragon Age: Awakenings


Im also spending a ton of time in Civ V (w/ Gods and Heros expansion)


Also have downloaded but not played yet

-Grand Theif Auto IV

- Assassins Creed II


Waiting on:

Cyberpunk 2077

The Witcher 3


and 11 games on my Steam Wish list waiting for price to drop


Also might check out Defiance MMO at some point and of course Elder Scrolls Online when it releases

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If you got a PS3/360, there is a game called Nier, its a decent ARPG. You can buy it used for like $10. I played it recently and thought it was OK. My biggest criticism was for how many fetch quests they stuffed in the game, and that playing the game without doing those was really short. Of course, I didn't do the fetch quests so I was done with the game in about 15 hours.


The boss battles were pretty well done, and actually required you use your brain, and the general combat mechanics were decent. The game was reasonably challenging.

Edited by Beriallord
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