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Drgons don't drop souls since DLC


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Since i downloaded and installed the DLC "Dragonborn" Dragons have stopped burning away and giving their souls when killed, i would very much like some help with this.


the only mod i have that effects dragons is the "Dragons Diversified" mod, and i have tried with the mod disabled to no avail, please help.

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You can edit your post to correct typos and such, bettsyman1.

There is a bug where the Dragons that guard World Walls that you have already defeated respawn (maybe as a different kind, but in the same place) and don't give a soul upon death. That could be just that.
Also, have you tried with absolutely no mods activated, including unofficial patches?

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You can also try installing the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, which should clear these issues right up.


You can find the patch here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31083


Edit: Also, be sure too not have ANY mods installed that mess with the dragons, like Deadly Dragons for instance. I'm currently using Dragon Combat Overhaul and have yet to encounter a problem. Hopefully the Dragonborn patch that I linked above will solve your problem.

Edited by Elsarian
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