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How do I uninstall specific Texture Mods?


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so I've installed Skyrim 2020 parallax and noticed after playing a bit, that it's a bit too much for my PC to handle. So I unchecked it in Vortex, but the texture is sitll ingame and I know that, because it still is having FPS drops that go down to 30 FPS. Now my question is: How do I get rid of this mod without losing my save file? I wouldn't mind reinstalling, but I'm not sure how to delete this mod, I've only uninstalled all of my mods at once so far.

Thx for help

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Generally, it's a bad idea to remove any mods containing plugins (ESP/ESM/ESL) during a playthrough.


If the mod is just textures. Disable it in the mods tab, then click deploy. This will update the files that are added to your data folder and will no longer include the mod you disabled.

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