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Non-TG Barenziah Quest


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So, I'm looking to create a new questline through which to assemble the Crown of Barenziah. My plan is to create a new NPC in Solitude - Skyrim's royal jeweler - who will be able to tell the player what that Unusual Gem is, and give him the same opportunity to assemble the stones as Vex does - but without having to join the Thieves Guild. I also want to move quest-locked gemstones out of their current areas and into areas accessible to plain dungeon divers - but I can probably muddle my way through doing this without too much difficulty. For the bare bones alpha version, I'm content with essentially replacing Vex and the TG's role in the quest with my new NPC; the jeweler will tell the player what the stones are, explain about the crown, and have the player assemble the stones before being able to speak much more of the matter.

The trouble is, I have next to no scripting knowledge apart from the incredibly basic understanding I'm able to glean through common sense by examining some of the syntax. I have two major questions.

  • First of all, let's assume I have my NPC created, positioned, and even have him running a little bit of a jewelry shop. How do I go about changing the beginning map marker from Maul to the jeweler? If I hope to give the player the option of avoiding the TG (instead of completely replacing the TG version), how do I best go about setting up the necessary scripts?
  • Second, I want to add the ability for the new jeweler to send the player after specific gemstones (ideally chosen at random from the uncollected stones). How do I A) get him to point the player to a specific dungeon, and B) get the game to choose one of these locations at random only from gemstone locations that have not already had their stone collected?

I've looked through a few tutorials on both the CK and Nexus wikis, but I'm still uncertain on how to go about doing what I want to do. Any help would be appreciated!

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I hope you can get this working. I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but for the Quest Markers, you need to alter the quest objectives: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Quest_Objectives


For the second part, I think you're going to need to create a secondary radiant quest set-up. I've not done something like this myself, so I can't really give you any great advice, but I think you'll need to set up a location alias and fill it based on the presence of a Stone (possibly using another alias for the stones). http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Radiant_Quests


You might look at how the Graybeards quest is set up so that they can send you to new word wall locations. You'll probably need to do something similar.


Sorry I can't offer you more specific help; I've really not messed around much with creating quests. Best of luck; it sounds like a really great idea.

Edited by kryptopyr
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