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Oblivion Remastered 2.0


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The only install instructions given for this are inside their video(s). If their instructions no longer match their uploaded packages, only the author can be asked about that.


I only know "v2.0.olod" is a file to be opened/imported with the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) and contains a stored load order for plugins and master files.


As far as support for this upload goes, it's done very differently than your usual mods. Most people here won't be able to tell you what to do, unless they followed and learned the instructions in the video or from the author themselves in other places.

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You must ask about how to install it at this forum as even if it looks extremely good, I will never install it.


Won't work Pellape ... the "mod" author has locked the comments.


Even though this isn't a "mod pack" by the usual definition, in my opinion this is a good example of what we can expect when/if they do arrive here on Nexus.

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Even though this isn't a "mod pack" by the usual definition, in my opinion this is a good example of what we can expect when/if they do arrive here on Nexus.


To be totally honest, I hope not.


They're sporting an Install Tool behind a 3$ per month paywall for mass-downloading all the linked mods without people ever getting even to know who made the mods or where they're from, if it weren't for the 1 page on Nexus where they host their integration plugins and load order also listing the links for non-Premium members and manual download.


Additionally, what makes support for it coming from people like us here highly unlikely, they're doing like many actual (illegal) mod packs did before and serve one huge plugin to combine it all, changing huge amounts of records from each parented plugin to make it all work together.

In a setup like this, with so many records from almost all involved mods changed, not even the original authors will know what happened when something acts up, as they won't know what all was changed of their code or what little is still their's in the result.


And let's also not forget, with such hand-crafted to the last bit merges of mods you're also limited to exactly the provided list of mods and load order and none else. Adding or removing even a single plugin later already has a good chance of breaking it all.



I for one prefer mod lists linking to the individual mod pages, so you get all information about the linked mod you need directly from the source and the original author gets the vital user feedback from you directly in case things go wrong, and providing instructions for a proper merge, the kind that doesn't limit you to not add or remove a single part later, or individual compatibility patches for each 2 mods, over 1-click download/install solutions, limited to only what they themselves provide at the time of download and none else, at any time.


It's not a good "first step into modding", if the wish to make a second step requires you to first uninstall it all again and start from 0 anyways, in my eyes.

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I'll get shot down over this, but in my opinion this is what you get when you pander to people who want everything without any effort on their part.


Why do I know as much as I do about modding? Ten years of researching my own and other people's problems has certainly been a huge factor, but I brought something to the game ... a willingness to put something in to get something out.


I started out no different than almost every person getting into modding, I knew diddly squat and all the jargon was blinding me to seeing the basics. Yes I am lucky in that I have spent decades building my own computers and troubleshooting their problems (so I brought computer skills to the game), but trust me when I say that of those skills it's the most basic of them that I use for installing and maintaining my modded game.


Yet even with my "advantages" I had to use Oblivion Mod Manager to get my first mod installed. There is no shame in that ... we all first learn to roll over, then crawl before we can stand and finally walk on our own.


I'll never be of any help to the "one click" wonders as the "product" they desire has less than zero interest for me, so the last thing I'll ever do is learn anything about it. I've been researching the changes I'll make for my next character for at least the past 4 or 5 years (my current guy got his start back in 2014). That is as important a part of modding for me as playing the game.

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I completely agree with both Drake and Striker about this, specially now after I did a double check of what it is included in that package, that is also dowloaded 27k times and if I would installed it, my game would crash as some mods included in that package did give me problems a couple of months back and after that I have been very careful what I install or not.


He wrote:


19 February 2020, 3:08AM

Thank you all so much for playing Oblivion Remastered and enjoying it so much! I have locked this chat for two reasons:

1) Tech Support - I can not give tech support through these comments and the best place to report bugs is in the discord where it hits my phone as well as all of the other notifications

2) Users - It seems that some members have some strong disagreements about things but arguing in these forums arent the place to do it

---Other than that, I hope everything is straightforward for you and I'm around if you need me :smile:


Bertini56: A warning is in place here: Be sure you know what it is you really install. :smile: But if you really want to use it, try his Discord Channel which he do mention


Very well written Striker. I have done the same and also worked with computer support and later Networking myself for 22 years :D I have not build any computers for 20 years, so I do not know these days what is hot or not though...

Edited by Pellape
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