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Amazon's Revenge


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  • 1 month later...

Astrianna proceeded down the center of the tunnel. There was no hiding in the shadows anymore. Whoever or whatever came at her now would die quickly and horribly.


She neither cared for stealth nor her own safety, for she knew in her heart that her lifetime of training, her pain, suffering and trials by combat would now serve her well.


She strode boldly down the dimly lit tunnel her eyes darting from side to side, her teeth clenched and her blood a boil with killing.


She rounded a turn and she stopped for a brief second and then she was overtaken with not only anger but caution. A body lay in the shadows and blood down the tunnel passing thru the flickering light. She approached the body carefully, stopped and sniffed the air.


It was not Faelan that lay there; it was someone else, of that she was sure. She kicked the body as hard as she could, and then jumped quickly back. Whoever it was he was dead, the kick to the kidney would have made anyone still alive scream in pain.


Onward she walked her senses attuned to every sound or the slightest change in smell. As she walked along the axe held at the ready she came upon a second body. This one was still alive as he moaned in pain. Astrianna approached cautiously, stopped, bent and rolled the person onto his back. He had been gutted, his entrails hung like ropes outside his body and onto the tunnel floor.


Astrianna smiled. “Well dog” she said with a touch of irony to her hard voice. “Seems you got yourself a nasty wound there!” She broke into a laugh and then kicked the man in the side. His scream echoed down the tunnel. He looked up at her, “Please, please kill me, I am in great pain.” He sputtered the last words as droplets of blood flew from his mouth. “*ban me* you! you son of a angel. You’ll get no mercy from me. Where is Faelan my companion?” She glared down at the suffering form. “Please” was all he got out as another vicious kick caught him in the side. Again a scream filled the tunnel. Astrianna drew her knife from her boot, knelt down and laid the blade on his intestines.” I’ll not ask you but this one last time you worthless cur. I’ll have you screaming and begging me for an end once I start to cut you. I’ll butcher you like the pig you are and keep you alive too, that much I promise you.” Astrianna cut into his already mangled guts and the scream that followed was ear piercing. “Now you know I mean what I say. Tell me or by Juna’s teats your last minuets on this earth will be horrible beyond your imagination.” Astrianna leaned over and looked into his eyes. Her eyes held no emotion; they were dark empty pools of nothingness.


The smell of urine and feces suddenly filled the air. Astrianna smiled, the smile that crossed her visage when she was ready to enjoy what she was about to perform. The air was pungent with the smell of bodily waste. “Very well, you have chosen. I hoped you would not break. Now you are mine…all mine.” Once again her laughter rang out in the tunnel. She leaned back up, held up the knife for the man to see and then moved it towards his guts.


“Stop…Stop, I’ll tell you…I’ll tell you” he screamed the words and tears flowed from his eyes.” I’m listening” Astrianna said coldly.


“He was taken to her chamber to be readied for her I swear” The words along with flecks of blood flew from his mouth. “Who is she and readied for what” Astrianna’s voice though cold had a hint of urgency about it... The man hesitated and Astrianna’s hand moved like a striking serpent and once again a scream filled the air.” Speak damn you or your balls go next! The look on her face and the tone of her voice was pure evil. “Please, I’m trying to…I’m trying he gasped.” Your trying my patience fool and play time now begins.” Her tone was like a hot knife and the look in her eyes would have stopped any sane man from doubting her words. “She is the guardian…she controls everything in this cavern and caves and she needs him for breeding, to impregnate her.” The words were like a sharp blade piercing her heart. “That female dog!” she screamed the words! “Where you male without a father, where is she, talk now or I’ll make you suffer for an eternity”


"In her sanctuary at the top of the tunnel is a door…he coughed blood up and spit it all over his own face…thru the door to the left is an archway, that’s where he is", he coughed again and blood spurted from his scrambled guts.


Astrianna stood up and walked away without looking back. Her visage was death come to call and her grip on the axe made her muscles and tendons stand out like corded rope.


She reached the top of the tunnel, and then crept up to the door. She was no fool to just boldly throw open a door and walk into a blade or worse. She put her ear up to the door and listened. Hearing nothing she slowly opened the door the axe at the ready.


It was walking into another world. It was brightly lit by strange globes on the walls. Thick carpets were scattered about and off across the big room was an archway on the left and to the right an archway and another door as well.


She looked every bit the butcher as she boldly walked across the huge room. She was covered in blood and wounds still oozed as well. The ash and charcoal they had applied was now mixed in with the blood creating a truly gruesome image.


As she approached the archway she heard moaning and groaning. She stopped. Faelan for sure and a woman. She knew the sounds of passion. For a second her heart ached; Faelan was enjoying it! She had tried to kill them both and now he was loving her!


So be it, all men were animals. She should have known what happened between them was nothing to him. She came here for a book and the book she would get but not before sending both of them to hell!


Talking a deep breath she calmed herself and walked thru the archway.


What she saw made her stop dead in her tracks. Faelan lay on a dais, totally nude. On top of him was the woman they’d seen below. She too was nude and rocking back and forth on Faelans manhood. She was a white as alabaster and Astrianna could swear her insides were almost visible thru her skin but that was only an instants eyeful. She looked at the woman’s face, she was beautiful beyond belief but two large fangs protruded from her mouth and her chin was covered in blood. Her eyes flew to Faelan and there on his neck were two puncture wounds still dripping his life source.


Vampyre! The word exploded into her mind from the tales told around the clan fires when she was little. Vampyre, hell spawn, evil incarnate. She realized now Faelans moans were not of pleasure. She quickly looked back to the Demon on top of him; her eyes were now open and she stared at Astrianna. She smiled at Astrianna and a hiss like that of the cobra left her mouth.


Astrianna’s rage came to a peak, her eyes narrowed and she smiled back. “Die daughter of hell.” She screamed the words and let fly with the axe.

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Believable to the max and graphic as a real world of fighting would be.


I hope to see more of your fine writing. The next image is of a very young warrior learning to intimidate and harrass an enemy, I think.



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  • 1 month later...

As Astrianna let fly with the axe she drew her sword. She watched as in a blur the Vampyre laid backwards, her finger nails digging into Faelans thighs for support. The axe embedded itself into a thick wooden support column.


The Vampyre sat upright with amazing speed; her smile vanished and was exchanged for a look of pure hate.


Uttering a single word she threw her right hand forward and a ball of blue light erupted from her open palm. Astrianna instinctively raised her sword in front of her to block the onrushing spell. It struck the blade with a loud clap of thunder like sound. Astrianna faltered slightly and then she felt a warmness spreading down her sword arm and into her entire body. She felt suddenly wonderful, refreshed and ready for anything.


How could this be? The thought flashed through her mind as her sword now glowed with a beautiful blue light and a red rune had appeared on the blade. For a split second she was awestruck and only the movement from the dais brought her instantly to her senses.


The Vampyre was fleeing though the opened doorway! Astrianna sprinted forward and grabbed the axe handle wrenching it from deep in the wooden column. With just a quick glance at Faelan she was off in pursuit of her enemy.


She ran through the doorway in time to see three guards emerge from another doorway across the room. Without slowing down she was upon them in an instant. The axe made a fast moving figure eight, followed by a scream and an arm severed at the elbow flew through the air. A sword thrust she blocked with her own sword as she shifted to the right another blade nicked her left shoulder. The axe came to its apex on the follow thru from the blow that had crippled the unlucky opponent and now buried itself into the skull of a second enemy. Without slowing down nor taking a breath she was through the three. She stopped and as she began to spin her sword removed the last arm of her first opponent. A swift kick to the groin and he dropped like a dead thing. The third man slammed into her with his shield. Caught off balance she fell on to her side, rolled swung her sword and a foot was removed from the unfortunate thug. He screamed and as he fell, Astrianna’s axe knocked his shield aside, a boot to the face broke his nose and as he finally hit the floor the mad woman was now above him and the point of her sword punctured his heart.


As she turned towards the opposite doorway she caught a brief glimpse of alabaster skin and the sound of bare feet slapping on the rock floor. Off she went in pursuit and thru the doorway, turning towards the right. She saw the Vampyre pull a tapestry aside far down the hallway and vanish behind it. As she ran she kept her eyes moving from side to side so as not to get caught by surprise by anyone or anything. As she neared the tapestry she stopped. A smell, a reptilian smell began to fill the hallway. Astrianna readied herself. She stood proud and defiant, covered in blood, charcoal, ash and bits of human flesh. The scales on her armor flashed in the dimly lit hallway and made her look like something only a drugged induced or insane mind could possibly produce. She slowed her breathing and waited.



Then she heard it. The rasping of scales upon stone and then the upper body of a woman appeared from behind the tapestry. The upper body was followed by a good twenty paces of snake body.


“What in Balsik’s Nine Hells” she uttered quietly to herself. She watched as the serpent woman coiled herself in front of the tapestry. It now raised a good 6 feet above her head and swayed slowly back and forth.


“Leave now or perish young Amazon, for only death awaits you here” The creature spoke to her in soft and sultry tones.


Astrianna watched the creature and then spoke. “How do you know I am Amazon?” her tone was rock hard and more a demand than a question.


“I know many things, oh Princess of your clan” the creature smiled at her. Astrianna was taken aback at what the creature called her. “I read your tattoos well, do I not?” again the voice soft and sultry the body swaying hypnotically.


“My kind is ancient. We watched as man crawled from the slime and took to the trees. We hunted the human and for they were helpless for the most part and easy prey. We watched as your kind spread across the land and became bolder and more powerful.”

The creature continued its gentle swaying its voice soothing and containing neither harshness nor threat.” Soon it was us that became the hunted, for man feared us and hated us. Your kind fears all things it cannot understand. And so my sisters and I sought refuse in hidden valleys and caves far from the hunters and food seekers. But for thousands of years my kind had watched and passed down lore and information to the next generation of Nam-Sa and we learned and followed your rituals and tribal lore. On occasion we still harvested the unwary and soon we became nothing more than a myth, a tale to scare small children. But you Amazon, your kind and ours share a common ancestor. We are kin going back thousands of years and that is why I offer you your life my sister!”


Astrianna’s axe now hung loosely at her side. Her mind was fogged and she felt at ease, no hatred or blood lust.


“Sisters”, the words barely left Astrianna’s mouth. “I seek a book, nothing more” her voice barely a whisper.


“I know that book spoke the Nam- SA. It is a magical book, full of powerful spells deemed only for the blackest of hearts”. She swayed and swayed her face kindness and friendship.


“I need the bo….” The sound of scales grating on stone brought Astrianna instantly back to full awareness. The creature was now right in front of her. It struck like lightning, knocking the axe aside and coils of serpent flesh wrapped around her. “”Fool” the creature spat out the words as Astrianna fought to free herself. Luckily her arms were free. She pummeled the pretty face raining down blow after blow as the Nam-Sa fought back with her own hands. The coils tightened and Astrianna was now gasping for breath as she fought through the creatures attack and gained the creature throat and now with her strong hands began to choke her assailant. The creature thrashed and rolled pulling on Astrianna’s arms to free the life draining hands at its throat.


Eye to eye they were as Astrianna’s breath was cut off by the coils. She saw fear in the creature’s eyes as the rolling and twisting continued banging her against wall and floor. Suddenly Astrianna let go of the creature’s throat, in that brief second it smiled and then Astrianna’s thumbs gouged its eyes out. The creature screamed in pain as Astrianna pushed with all her remaining strength thru the eyeballs, they exploded like grapes and blood and tissue flew into her face. She was suddenly thrown free of the coils as the creature covered its ruined eyes and thrashed about the hallway. Drawing her sword she launched herself into the air as the sword made its downward arc. “Die sister” and Astrianna laughed as she twisted slightly in mid air and the swords travel now flattened out and lopped the head and hands from the Nam-Sa. She landed on the body and quickly jumped aside as the body flailed aimlessly in the corridor. Its bladder and rectum vacated themselves and the stench was over powering. Astrianna slumped to the floor gasping for air, her body beaten and bruised. She pulled a water skin from her waist; all but this one had burst in the coils of that foul being. Astrianna knew she had been at deaths door and had it not been for that rasping of scale on stone she would be dead. She hung her head allowing the water to quench her thirst. She looked up at the tapestry, took a deep breath, walked over to the Nam-Sa recovered the axe and spoke aloud.


“You’ll make for fine clothing dear sister and I’ll be back for your skin!”


Stretching like a great cat she shook her arms and legs, smiled at the tapestry and walked forwards.

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Aha! These parts are what I was missing. Now I'm up to speed. As I said on TESR, time for an update, lol


Beautiful work! :thumbsup:

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