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Weird textures dissapearing when near a wall


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that's a screenshot, i've tried everything but I can't seem to get rid of it..


I use no lightning mods,


I have all the texture mods of the Texture Pack Combiner Mod


I use the latest version of NMM and SKSE


my loadorder:


(skyrim is above Dawnguard.esm but it didnt fit in the screenshot)




please help,



Edited by sbxn1
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Hi! My guess is that you have your FOV set above the default (like at 80 or 90). That is a side effect of broadening your vision beyond what the creators intended.

I use FOV 90 and find that overall it's worth the occasional distraction, but if you do not, just revert back.

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Did you change the lines in the .ini



and prefs.ini



It's been a really long time since I didn't use the expanded view, but I think there might be a few places (like thin corridors) where this might have been a problem, even with the default. Kind of like there are occasional places where you can see through rocks or whatnot.

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It can be a side effect of certain static mesh or texture mods, as they can modify the angle of environment meshes and allow your FOV to see past them. It's pretty common, and most see it as a minor glitch for the price of their improvements.

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