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Trouble getting meshes to work.


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Hi, I was hoping someone might be able to help me get some meshes to work. I'm trying to get UNP meshes for triss outfit to work, but I can't seem to figure it out. I put the files in the proper folder, found the load order and mod index but whenever I try to put in the console codes it just says script command not found. Not sure if I need to put a command first or what I'm doing wrong. Here's the url to the mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19425#content


Here's the instructions given:



Copy the archive content into your x:\TESV Skyrim\Data folder, when asked overwrite. Activate the esp in NMM (Nexus Mod Manager).

Before updating to new version unequip the armor first.

* Console code for the Robe xx0999aa
* Console code for the Gloves xx0999ab
* Console code for the Boots xx0999ac
* Console code for the Light Armor xx0999ad
* Console code for the Light Gloves xx0999af
* Console code for the Light Boots xx0999ae


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Try this, look at your load order, locate this mod in your load order and remember the order number of the mod. Go in the game and open the console and type the command. When you start to type the code, replace the "xx" for the two digit number of the load order number of the mod. If you have installed the mod correctly and typed the console command correctly, you will get the equipment.

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I don't know, I just can't get it to work. The mod was installed before I tried anything, I extracted to the correct folder. I type in player.additem 190999ad

and so forth; I get "item xx not found for parameter object id compiled script not saved."

I've tried about every variation I can think of, nothing.

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