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Backing up a heavily modded Skyrim install?


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If i were to copy my data folder from skyrim and store it say on a external drive. Then if i were to completely remove skyrim from my computer. If i did a clean install of skyrim then overwrited the data folder with the copy i made before... would all the mods / load order etc... still be in order and work?

Edited by jaycubmiller
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Your best bet is to keep a pure Vanilla copy of Skyrim stored on an external drive, then keep all of your mods stored locally as well. (So yeah, you're going to have to download them all again manually)....Keep a copy of your BOSS load order that runs smooth now. Then you have everything set for if/when you have to do a clean install of Skyrim.


A Vanilla version of the game

All of your mods stored locally so you can just add them in with your favorite mod manager.

And a BOSS listing of how everything worked previously to your liking.


With this procedure you at least know that an older version of the game, all of your older version of mods, and you boss listing, worked..........Just in case it was a Skyrim Update patch that got you to the point of having to uninstall.

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