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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Sofia Follower - Male Voice Actor Required (AUDITIONS CLOSED!)
I have enough applicants now so auditions are closed!
There is now a role open for one of Skyrim's top 3 follower/companion mods. I'm sure to many people the infamous Sofia needs no introduction but you can check out the mod page here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/? . As some of you may know it will soon be possible to marry Sofia due to popular demand and it's only befitting that we have a crooked priest of Mara do the ceremony. That's what happens when you let Sofia handle the wedding arrangements. She promises to pay a large sum of money to hold a special ceremony outside the temple of Mara as no priest in Skyrim will hold the ceremony due to her past and things need to be official. The priest holds the ceremony under sufferance, is quick to get it over and done with and is only after the gold. The part is small with around 15 short lines. For the part you need to be able to sound dismissive and uncaring whilst keeping that element of humour. Perhaps a comical or stereotyped voice might work.
Crooked Priest Requirements:
Male - any age that is an adult
Good comic timing
High quality recording environment - good microphone, pop shield, no room noise (if in doubt listen to the recording quality of Sofia)
Can deliver the lines fast. Preferably within a week, no more than 2.
If you want to audition PM me with a voice demo or record some of the following lines but hurry the position won't be open long. People without voice demos or auditions or with low quality recordings will not be accepted.


"So let us begin. Do you… uh sorry I’ve forgotten your name… Well whatever. Do you take this woman, Sofia to be your wife?"

"And do you Sofia promise to give up alcohol?"
"You are now married. My commiserations… I mean congratulations. May you forever remember this day “and learn from it” (quoted part said under his breath)."
"I’ll just be taking that now to buy some… uh I mean to donate to the temple… yes that’s what I meant. Goodbye."
"What!? Damn it. I knew it was too good to be true. How did I ever get talked into this? Fine! Well may Mara punish you for eternity in the depths of Oblivion."
Edited by djjohnjarvis
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Age: 18
Gender: Female
Last Updated: 7 October 2014
Active Member: No (email : [email protected])

Playable Races:
I would say all races even if I’m not sure my voice would fit for a Khajiit or an Argonian.

10 years of theater.


Even if I do not pretend to be an amazing actress, I know I can pretend to be someone else. My voice is not perfect, but I can also sing if you need it (pretty high tone). I also know how to do a pretty convicing goat.

About Me:
I’m a french person so I have an accent (not the huge french accent, but I can do it if that’s what you want). For the moment I study theater and cinema at the university.
TES is one of my favorite game series, I loved Oblivion and Skyrim, I love them even more now that I have them on the PC. I’m not going to lie, I know nothing about how you do a mod or stuff like that, but if you explain to me what to do infront of my microphone, I’ll do it.
I don’t have any video samples, but if you’re interested, email me and i’ll give you one !

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I have a short film made for the university (but I took a lower voice than usually for it) and it's in french, here it is (I'm the blond one in the middle) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPCVWqfggHU . On soundcloud I also posted 2 little MP3 where I sing, I did them for a frends it's not perfect at all I can do better https://soundcloud.com/naoree_lazuli/tracks.

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Age: 29

Gender: Male

Last Updated: 19.10.2017

Active Member: Kind of.


Playable Races:

I'm good at high elf and nord. But I'm up for trying new things.



Took part in some mods. Auditioned for more.



I know how to use a mic and edit stuff on Audacity. I'm not sure if I can do accents, never really tried. Maybe Scottish and/or Brittish.

I can also sing, but it heavily depends on the song.


About Me:

I like turtles







PM: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&fromMemberID=3220444

Skype: sae_nokda

Edited by saenokda
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Age: 26

Gender: Male

Last Updated: 11.10.2014

Active Member: Not as much as I used to be.


Playable Races:

I can try anything. I'm good at trying new things.



Not much. Got an acting class last year. Doing voice-over for 2 weeks now.



I know how to use a mic and edit stuff on Audacity. I'm not sure if I can do accents, never had to. Maybe Scottish.


About Me:

I like turtles







Sounds great! I'll contact you in the future if I need work done.

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Sounds great! I'll contact you in the future if I need work done.


Good to know!


Also, I recommend saenokda. He's just starting out, but has done some very impressive voice work for VoT so far.



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