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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Looks great! I'll have a listen later.


If I have a role for you I'll be sure to contact you.



I'd be much obliged if you did! Just real quick, as I'm assuming you have a lot of experience in this fashion having made mods before; is there a specific audio file or reel you're looking for? I ask of course so that if I can provide a more accurate sample I'd love to do so! Honestly the files on the Sound are odds and ends type things.


Thank you for your time!


I do indeed have experience in mods - check out my signature.


Well, just dream up a few characters that you believe might fit Skyrim - shieldmaiden, lost and afraid girl, cowardly girl, proud mother, etc. Then craft one or two lines for them and send them to me with a Soundcloud link or direct download. Immersive Quests and my other mods have a variety of roles, so I can't really give you a concrete one right now.

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Thank you once again Matthias!


Taking to your advice, I put together a really quick (and admittedly somewhat sloppy) read of a few composed pieces I put together, which you or anyone else can look through if you'd like to get a fair idea!






I could just as easily remove the atmospheric background if needed; let me know if that would be better! Looking through a few reels I found some added that for ambiance so I gave my fair shake at it too!


Additionally for the attempted Argonian/Khajiit segments; they're a bit rough and the accent is warbly, but I could practice and refine them. Surprisingly they weren't as rough as I thought they would be, it's just I'd need to reinforce them to refine and keep their tone throughout.


Outside of that this was rather a good bit of fun, thank you for the heads up!

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Thank you once again Matthias!


Taking to your advice, I put together a really quick (and admittedly somewhat sloppy) read of a few composed pieces I put together, which you or anyone else can look through if you'd like to get a fair idea!






I could just as easily remove the atmospheric background if needed; let me know if that would be better! Looking through a few reels I found some added that for ambiance so I gave my fair shake at it too!


Additionally for the attempted Argonian/Khajiit segments; they're a bit rough and the accent is warbly, but I could practice and refine them. Surprisingly they weren't as rough as I thought they would be, it's just I'd need to reinforce them to refine and keep their tone throughout.


Outside of that this was rather a good bit of fun, thank you for the heads up!

Thanks. :D

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I am creating a DLC sized worldspace north of Skyrim and I am looking for voice actors,


If you are interested, send me a PM with a sample of your work and I will send you more info on the mod. You are free to create your own dialouge (that I will edit to match the theme/ cohesiveness) based on the world, actor backstory, objective, etc., or I will write dialouge for you (if you do not want to write anything yourself).


Mod Information


The Dead Isles [WIP]

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I'm surprised by the quality of some of voice actors in this forum. Probably, some of you are already busy on several projects so I have no clue who's available. In other words, I'm looking for male voice actors with rough voice (or able to imitate one). Anyone interested in giving this imperial character a place in Skyrim?


He's not the typical "I'm-so-cool-guy" with nice face, big muscles and barbie hands. He's your old dog that will speak with wisdom after having experienced many hard lessons from life. I've already arranged vainilla voices and created new lines to make it look part of the game (Don't laugh but Machinima animations inspired me to do so).

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Age: 21
Gender: F
Last Updated: 20/01/2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Generic humanoid

Updated: Soundcloud now has a demon voice set
(working on Khajiit)


Previous experience with RPG voice-overs,

Looking to get more experience by collaborating on a Skyrim mod project and get to use my voice for some more acting situations.


I'm not american, but I use a neutral mixed american accent. I am capable of forcing a more british/australian accent if needed.

About Me:
I work a busy schedule but I always like to find time to do these sorts of things. I usually play serious characters but I can also supply light-hearted characters.



(More voices to come to this profile, but I just quickly put together something really brief, sorry I didn't get much time to clean up the audio).

Edited by Myuna
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Looking for voice actors for two characters immediately and many others to follow in coming months for a large expansion mod in progress


Today I am looking for two red guard male characters:


Avram jazir: I need someone who can do an ultra low silky voice like warf from Star Trek the next generation. With some editing I can emulate it pretty closely but I'd like some variety in voice acting. Avram is a red guard who left his life of crime behind in hammerfell to start again in skyrim. He's loyal and honorable and striving to make up for his past.


Avram will be a full follower so a variety of lines in addition to standard and quest lines will be required. Also preference will go to anyone willing to do more work on the voice down the road as the expansion develops


Jelal: avram's older brother who comes to skyrim and robs the museum Avram works at. Jelal should have a thick Arabian accent and be slick and cocky in his vocal quality. He is not snide or arrogant but has some panache and flair.


Jelal has a single scene with a half dozen extended dialog lines between him and his brother


Anyone interested please pm me with links to voice samples thanks

Edited by icecreamassassin
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Age: 21

Gender: F

Last Updated: 20/01/2015

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Generic humanoid

(working on Khajiit and a Demon voice set)




Previous experience with RPG voice-overs,

Looking to get more experience by collaborating on a Skyrim mod project and get to use my voice for some more acting situations.



I'm not american, but I use a neutral mixed american accent. I am capable of forcing a more british/australian accent if needed.


About Me:

I work a busy schedule but I always like to find time to do these sorts of things. I usually play serious characters but I can also supply light-hearted characters.



(More voices to come to this profile, but I just quickly put together something really brief, sorry I didn't get much time to clean up the audio).


I'm working on a quest mod for Skyrim, looking for someone who can play a Daedric Princess like Meridia or Azura.

If you're interested, PM me.

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Age: 17 (On the younger side, but I carry myself with professionalism, and maturity.)
Gender: Male
Race: White/African American
Last Updated: 1/20/2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Any human race.

I've worked on a few mods before, under a different account, but decided to make a clean slate. Start voice acting again from scratch.

I am very easy to work with, and I also write. (Songs, Poems, Short Stories, Scripts)

About Me:
I've been told that I have a very distinct voice, and always wanted to try my hand at voice acting. I currently help run the 7th largest Steam Curator group (Just Good PC Games) and am considered a very hardworking individual. I have a Yeti mic with a Auphonix pop filter, which in combination provides a very nice quality of audio. I have play rougher voiced characters before, but I often act as younger characters. (17-20)

Voice Samples:

I've only made one demo since the start of this account (Which was last night :cool: ) which can be found here.

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Hi everybody ! For christmas I got a new and better microphone :)

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Last Updated: 21 January 2015
Active Member: No (email : [email protected])

Playable Races:
I would say all races even if I’m not sure my voice would fit for a Khajiit or an Argonian. I discovered recently that in english some races have an accent. They doesn't in french. And the french accent is my only one in my directory. Sorry ! But if someone would like to make a french follower I could voice act in french ! ^-^

11 years of theater.


Even if I do not pretend to be an amazing actress, I know I can pretend to be someone else. My voice is not perfect, but I can also sing if you need it (pretty high tone). I also know how to do a pretty convicing goat.

About Me:
I’m a french person so I have an accent (not the huge french accent, but I can do it if that’s what you want). For the moment I study theater and cinema at the university but I think this is not for me. Next year I'm gonna study english to become a english teacher (I'd like to improve my english, if I make mistakes please tell me ! I'm always happy to learn ^-^ )
TES is one of my favorite game series, I loved Oblivion and Skyrim, I love them even more now that I have them on the PC. I’m not going to lie, I know nothing about how you do a mod or stuff like that, but if you explain to me what to do infront of my microphone, I’ll do it.

This is my soundcloud channel for voice acting : Tadaaa
And this is my soundcloud where I do otherstuff, mostly stupid stuff : Tadaaa again

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