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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Name: Annarose, Moth, Lynx, whatever you would like to call me.

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

Contact info: [email protected] / my twitter, @motherofmothman

About Me:

Hello, I'm Moth/Lynx (honestly you can call me whatever you prefer) and I'm 24 years old. I've been acting non-professionally since I was 13 years old. I originally posted this from my old account when I was 17 but I can promise my voice has grown since then. If you're interested in casting me for a voice part please do not hesitate to shoot me a message through email or DM on Twitter!

Last Updated: 3/8/2021

Actor Stats

Playable Races:

  • Nords
  • Imperials
  • Khajiits
  • Wood Elves
  • High Elves
  • Argonians
  • Bretons
  • Young Orc


Done three voice roles so far,

  • Alawyn from The Jerall Citadel II: The Last Refuge.
  • Maisie from Tales from the Commonwealth, a Fallout 4 mod.


  • Aggression
  • Sarcasm
  • Gentle tones
  • Great diction
  • Mastered the evil laugh/chuckle

Voice Samples:

Edited by thelunalynx
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Age: 30s

Race: Caucasian

Sex: Male

Contact: Here, Discord [WanderingVoiceActor#0001]



Pretty much a mixture of various projects; radio plays, audio dramas, machinimas, other elderscrolls / fallout mods, indie games, flash animations and games and other fan projects. [Link]




>Blue Yeti - Hardware W/puff filter
>Pyle Sound Isolation Recording Booth Shield - 2" Thick Foldable Studio Microphone Dampening Filter Foam Cube, Audio Acoustic Noise Isolator Platform Pads w/ Wedgie Padding, Tripod Base Stand
<Adobe Audition - Software


Voice Samples:

Demo 2019

Demo 2013


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi everyone, first time posting here, if i made any mistakes please forgive and educate me. Incantation666 here (Fourth is my usual player name in most things i play) with a little section for anyone needing amateur beginner level voice 'actor'. I have never done any voice acting work before, i am a big fan of mods like Enderal and Vigilant, which is what spurred me to do a few clips and share my casting call club profile below!
P.S.: English is not my native language, please forgive me if my syntax or anything else looks weird. TQ!

Actor Stats

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: East Asian (ethnic Chinese born and raised in SEA)
Last Updated: 03/10/2019
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
I honestly don't know what i am suitable for, but kindly check out my Khajit voice reel, as well as other video game characters which i attempted to approximate in my CastingCallClub profile below!

Today is the first day i recorded any voice acting ever. (Well, that's not exactly true, once upon a time, i did submit voice clips to Bioware for their public Mass Effect competition thingie, didn't win or got any response though!)

You will have to help me out here if you think i am suitable for any of your projects. So sorry!

About Me:
Just a normal every average guy. Nothing special. Almost everything about me is average. Well, for the standards of South East Asia at least.
Favourite games are: Civlization, Alpha Protocol, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 and 2 and of course the elder scrolls series.

Voice Samples:

That's that, give the above voice reel a listen! Recording quality is fairly poor (i did it with a phone, sorry) but there isn't any sudden loud noises, so you could still get the gist of the voice 'acting' i hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rin Satsu / Screampunk Arts


Age: 28
Race: White / Caucasian (British)

Experience: Starting out

Playable Races: ♂ Argonian, ♂ Khajiit, ♂ Orc, ♂ Nord, ♂ Elves, ♂ Breton (Oblivion), can try Imperial & Redguard but no guarantees. I generally provide Skyrim and Cyrodiil (Oblivion) variants of each.


Basically I'd like to be someone you can rely on for beast / mer races, and maybe monsters.

I've already got the accent for the Dunmer of Skyrim, and the rest are fairly easy to imitate.


Current voice samples available: https://mega.nz/#F!ZqxikCoL!z8Kjzne05G9CdOOlmbOxCg

(You can hear me as various NPCs in the mod 'Shumer and the Fall of Allagard' by Agerweb)


I now have a decent mic with a pop screen, can clean up my own audio for WAV files, and am fairly confident in my ability to perform a variety of accents.

Feel free to let me know if you'd like me to try out for any roles you may have.

All I ask is that you have some kind of script I can read; I'm terrible at improvising.

My only rule is that I don't sing.


I can be reached at: [email protected]

or on Discord at: Screampunk (Rin)#7488


I hope we can work together. :smile:

Edited by ScreampunkNexus
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm looking for two Voice Actresses for my Here There Be Monsters - Sign of Cipactli mod. Both of them are female Kothringi. One is a young woman who is captured by the Nagas, and gets saved by the Player. The other is an older woman who is a wise shaman and leader of the village. The older one will have a good bit more dialogue, as she is a follower and quest giver. If anybody is interested, please let me know. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking for a female voice actor who can pull off a convincing Irish accent.

Link to the project below:


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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I am new to voice work but I thought I'd offer up my service for mods and give back to the gaming communities that I love.


Edit to add profile.

Actor Stats

Gender: Female
Race: White / Caucasian / Canadian
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2019
Active Member: I'm super new to the forums, but have been modding games for at least a decade.

Playable Races:
I'm not the best at accents, but I can mimic okay. I can provide a range of different aged female voices, and can throw my sound a little.

I've been narrating short stories for about six months (live and reccorded), looking into audio books and decided to branch out here. Did a little acting way back, so I'm not a flat narrator/va.

I have some decent gear (AT4033a/Focusrite Interface), a home studio that provides enough isolation (I hope), and I'm getting better with Reaper everyday.
I can also sing.

About Me:
I'm an author (novels / short stories) and a publishing professional. I'm new to the whole narration gig, but taking it pretty damn seriously. I love reading, writing, games, clearly, and camping! Though I don't think that last one is all that relevant. I'm in an ADT (EST+1) timezone and I'm pretty damn active in writing communities online and in discord.
Favourite games are: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher Series, enjoy me some TES, and a bevy of other games. Taking it old school: Vampire the Masquerade, Final Fantasy series, and more. So much more. RPG kinda gal.

Voice Samples:
You can hear a few of my short stories on youtube:

I also have no problem doing a demo reel if provided a few lines of dialogue and direction for the role in question.

Edited by leebeewilly
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  • 3 weeks later...
In Need of Two Voice Actors!

Hello everyone! I'm currently in need of two voice actors for a high elf noble (a very whiny self entitled type of guy, the kind of guy who'd go "MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS") and his khajiit bodyguard (female, fiercely loyal). If you're interested in either of these parts please DM here or on the Nexus @The Luna Lynx!

The character is named Pellcano Elsinor and his bodyguard is named Ja'herra. Pellcano is the great nephew of the vampire thane of the mod.

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