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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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We´re looking for a male voice actor who can pull of a crazy (and i mean really crazy) woodelf.

It´s not much, just about 20 lines.


Well, this job seems to be kinda cursed, we already lost 6 (!) voice actors who all became suddenly VERY busy or something else happened. But time doesn´t wait for anyone and we´d like to release the new mod in the following week(s) since the only thing thats left is the voice for that elf.


So if you are inerested please PM me for details.



*EDIT: Thanks a lot to those who were replying! Found someone! :smile:

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Actor Stats

Age: 13
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: February 5, 2014
Active Member: Yes, kind of.

Playable Races:
Imperial, Breton, Altmer, "Child" and Khajiit.

Starting out

I can do a child-type voice which sounds close to vanilla, as well as American, British, and Scottish accents, as well as having some experience in Audacity.

About Me:
I started recording random lines a few months ago... forgive me about the background noise, my mic wasn't as good then.

Voice Samples:


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Chloe Piette

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: White/Cacasian
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races: I don't think I have any limitations when it comes to races. I do not have a voice sample for Khajiits, Orcs or Argonians, but I could most definitely make one if someone was interested.

Experience: I am currently studying theatre in college, so I work on my voice daily, but I do not have any experience as a voice actress for Skyrim mods.

About Me: I love all things Skyrim, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones: I'm just your regular geek. I also love coffee and cats.

Click here for my Voice Samples

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Thought I'd update my profile as it's both outdated and back at page 12 x)




Stig 'DragonNOR' Sydtangen



Age: 26

Nationality: Norwegian

Languages: Norwegian, English, Some German, Some Italian

Accents: Norwegian, Russian, generic middle eastern, German

Race: White Caucasian




Races I can act: Nord, Dark Elf, Elf + any generic english character


Vocal range: Dramatic Tenor. I study classical song, and as such I am a trained singer.


Home Studio location

Hardware: Røde NT1-A with shock mount and pop filter, Reflexion Echo dampener, CI1 mix board

Software: Wavelab (1 year experience), Goldwave (six years experience)



Demo Reel




About me:


I'm a male, 26 year old Norwegian with 6 years of voice acting experience through moddb and four years of formal actors training at "Baardar Musical Academy" and "Nordic Institute for Scene and Studio". I am currently working on the fourth year of my bachelor degree in classical song.

I have worked on both modifications and commercial titles.


I have worked on, or are still working on:


- Skyrim: Independent NPCs (Valenor, Larsdon)

- Skyrim: Shadow of Meresis (Pelagius III, Molag Bal)

- Consortium (Pawn 4 - Commercial Steam Title)

- Cry of Fear (Simon - Steam Greenlight Indie)

- CnC: Rise of the Reds (Various Units - CnC Generals)

- Grey (Grey - HL2)

- Cube Experimental (Hacker-Fallout 3)


For a full list of my past and current projects go to:



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I'm looking for a volunteer to help me with a housecarl I'm making. It's not a lot of text.


Looking for someone with a male, raspy, old-ish sounding voice for a wizard type character who is mellow and has seen a lot, fought a great deal, but is retired due to a "scratch from a battle axe of torpor"


PM me if you have interest.

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Augustine's Gift is a vampire follower mod that allows you to be given the gift of immortality.

As I need to add in the extra lines of dialogue I've decided that it would be best to re dub the entire thing, most of the dialogue options will be similar/the same as usual but with an entire new voice.
I'm looking for something that sounds a little sinister but not out right evil.

An accent of European nature would be ideal but is not entirely essential so long as it's done in the right way.

PM me if you're interested

*Edit* Thanks for your PM's the role has now been filled.

Edited by konnierizzle1
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Hi all,

first i'm amazed by the amount of talent gathered here, which makes me want to contribute too. I am a (surprise) Korean (yeap not caucasian lol) who thinks he can add another factor to the voice acting by adding a Eastern aspect. my ultimate goal is to perhaps help with a akavirii custom follower (or so i believe..this is my first TES game so i may not be so accurate on the lore). so my question is what kind of equipment do i need, and what tools do i need to learn to use to effectively take part?

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Really bored and stumbled across this.

I do voice trolling with one of my friends all the time on xbox and what not. I created a lot of my own voices and it's kind of funny, they have a whole lifestyle and I base them off of it.


Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Active Member: S'pose so.

Playable Races:

I honestly don't know



Skills: My main voices are English, Australian, like an 8 year old, redneck/hillbilly, Korean, Russian, and an okay female voice (working on it as of now) Not sure if any of these could help you guys lol :p

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