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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hello all,


I am in the process of a large project that introduces new lands, a new faction and a large new quest line. I have been working on it for a year or so now on and off as I am busy with other things but i hope to finish within the next 3-6 months. To do this though i need some voice actors!! realistically i need 6 different voices; an ageing Nord Commander, two middle aged warrior figures, one Breton villain, two Breton villagers and possibly some minor one liners. Anyway if anyone is interested please get in touch, I have put a lot of work into this so ideally high quality sound and voices are required. Thanks a lot!

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Okay I am now very much in need of voice actors for the following roles


1. Gunmar - an ageing Nord commander (a voice simliar to the malenordcommander would be best)

2. Montari - a young, ambitious Imperial officer, needs to be stern and commanding imperial voice

3. Einar - a middle aged rugged veteran nord, looking for something similar to balgruuf

4. Maekr - a middle aged rugged veteran nord, needs to have a strong carrying warrior voice, something Germanic would be ideal

5. Hugr - an ageing old monk, something similar to esbern would be great

6. Brynja - a young eager to impress warrior, a strong scottish would be perfect


I also need minor lines in a bandit sort of accent, if you are at all interest or know where i could post to people that would be please let me know, ifpossible I am looking for a very good sound quality.


Thanks all

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Looking for people to voice act for a mod I am creating called

Skyrim: Silverwind Expansion

The Mod plans to add 3 new towns, 5+ NPCs, and more...

I need the following roles ^^ (They are mostly Nord..)
They are sorted by Male and Female...Hope to hear from someone soon...

Contact Info:
Message me on the forums (Very Active, It's just I lurk and reply to PMs.)

Male Roles:

Gesir Laggard:
Race: Nord

Bio: A adventurer born in Lonewood as a son of Sinrod the Great. He is a protector of Lonewood and has saved the town from bandit raids on many occasions. Gesir is very anti-social but he is very smart, and don't always trust everyone as he feels it must be earned by someone worthy of it.

Personality: Brave, Courageous, Funny at times, and Strong.

Some lines you can try if you want (Not in the actually mod)
Emotion of line is next to it.

"Could this really be true?" (Suprise)
"Oh, I do believe your the Nord they said was working with Ulfric Stormcloak?" (Neutral)
"Tell me, why is an imperial in our Nord Village?" (Neutral)
"Can you tell me the reason we wait here while we have a bandit to stop?" (Neutral)

Merchant Jolgens:
Race: Nord

Bio: A traveling merchant who collects the finest alchemy ingredients for his potions. He has been selling alchemy goods for 13 years and has meet customers of all sorts. He is said to bring a smile to each customer's face.

Personality: Smart, Funny, Nice, and Friendly.

Some lines you can try if you want (Not in actually mod)

Emotion of line is next to it.

"Your one of my favorite customers!" (Happy)
"Any alchemy goods is here for your liking" (Enthusiastic)
"Want something?" (Neutral)
"Well I did hear some rumors of a group known Lone Wolves" (Neutral)

Erevos Ientus:
Race: Dark Elf or Dunmer

Bio: A sorcerer found in the Sorcerer's Sanctuary who teaches Destruction to people who aren't common filth as he calls them. He is a spell master and will use his powers for evil and crime. He is hated by many of the in inhabitants of Lonewood (Nord Town), and Deephold (Khajiit and Argonian Village). He has killed many people in his time and is known by some as the Sorcerer of Shade. He is in a guild for user's of "Shade Magic" (I might implement this in the mod, not sure yet) and will attack those who attack them.

Personality: Rude, Powerful, and Hateful.

Some lines you can try if you want (Not in the actually mod)

Emotion of line is next to it.

"Some call me evil..others call me a cruel being..." (Neutral)
"Dragonborn? I cannot believe such a person is one." (Mean Spirited)
"Hmph...I will teach you on one little deal.." (Neutral)

Female Roles:

Sapidill Flayer:
Race: Nord

Bio: A guard for Lonewood's prison who embraces the fact that she has been working the job for several years. She loves to see the face the criminals have when she sends them to the cell, never once has a prisoner escaped under her watch and patrol.

Personality: Friendly to non-criminals, and Funny with a cruel sense of humor.

Some lines you can try if you want (Not in the actually mod)

Emotion of line is next to it. (Her's are neutral cause you can interpret it anyway you want to..)

"Look at the criminal over there, he had to been sent to death so early, It's sad really." (Neutral)

"You will pay for your crimes against Skyrim, what say you in your defense?" (Neutral)

"Hmm..he looks very unqualified for the task." (Neutral)

Edited by NightGuardX
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