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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Age: 17 (On the younger side, but I carry myself with professionalism, and maturity.)

Gender: Male

Race: White/African American

Last Updated: 1/21/2015

Active Member: Yes ( Email: [email protected] )


Playable Races:

Any human race.



I've worked on a few mods before, but decided to make a clean slate. Start voice acting again from scratch.



I am very easy to work with, and I also write. (Songs, Poems, Short Stories, Scripts)


About Me:

I've been told that I have a very distinct voice, and always wanted to try my hand at voice acting. I currently help run the 7th largest Steam Curator group (Just Good PC Games) and am considered a very hardworking individual. I have a Yeti mic with a Auphonix pop filter, which in combination provides a very nice quality of audio. I have play rougher voiced characters before, but I often act as younger characters. (17-20)


Voice Samples:

I've only made one demo since the start of this account (Which was last night :cool: ) which can be found here.




Added my Email address as a further means of contact.*

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Just dropping this here again seeing as my sound cloud has been updated recently with more content.

Age: 19

Gender: Male
Race: German, Irish, Polish, American...
Active Member: As much as I need to be, Note this is a new account. I deleted my old account some time ago...

Playable Races: (For voice acting...)
I'm am best with Khajit and Argonians, I can match them almost perfectly to original game actors. I also can very well do Nords, I'm more fitting to Bandits/Thiefs/Pirates though as I find them a lot easier. I can do imperials still, and Elfs but I need good material to reference before I do. Redguards are also not much of an issue. I can do most male voices pretty well, but I'll probably need time and reference before I can get it down to what you might like. So If you need help with a part a heads up is nice. Please listen here, to hear some demos. They are rough, as I just took guess at how they should sound (https://soundcloud.com/trollfacetheman)

Experience: (At voice acting...)
Haha... Whoo... That's a good one...


Or 19 years worth... Depends on the way you look at things...

Actually as of right now I am helping voice act for two mods (Possibly soon to be three...)


Anyways, I do YouTube videos. And have to do voice overs a lot! It's not the same as doing this of course, but from the time I've been a kid I loved doing voice impressions. I have a wide vocal rage from Zay Tonday deep, to Opera High. (Note It doen't mean I do female voices well, except for female sythasized computer voice...)

Skills: (Pertaining to gerneral mod stuff...)
I'm a YouTuber as I've stated above (Just passed 7,500 Subs), I deal mainly in chemistry. However I do still have wide experience in Computers, video editing, audio editing, and music synthesizing (Sorry none of my stuff is currently available to listen too...)

And I can do 3d Modeling (A Machete model I made http://i.imgur.com/2t8pY8x.png and http://i.imgur.com/wRcgb3M.png, and a glass woot! woot! http://i.imgur.com/tyNeN5g.png)

If you need something simple modeled like a bottle or a cup, chances are if I'm not to busy I can help you. But it will be made in Blender, and I might need assistence in exporting it in a way that you can use it...

I am also a sketch artist, however I sadly do not take request for sketches of scenes and such because It is very much time consuming. And frankly I suck at drawing stuff off my head. This was the best I was able to do off my head, ever! Note: These booth are original designs, and I would not like them to be reproduced without my permission, thank you :smile: http://i.imgur.com/jHTWDtu.jpg

Other than that I have been dabbling in coding recently, and hope at one point to start producing my own mods...

One last thing, I can also write a story that'll knock you socks off!! Don't know why but always have been good at Art and writting wthout trying... It's very possible it is genectics Inherited from my mother, she was very talented in the feilds... Spelling however is not my strong suit, but that is why God invented Spell-Checker XD

Thier is other stuff, but I feel as if they don't pertain much to the current situation. So I will leave them unstated. :smile:

About Me:
Please see above...

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Age: 21


Email: [email protected]

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Every Race. I have a large range.

I have been acting for 13 years. Voice acting for 3. I am looking for projects to do between professional gigs.

I am a professional game sound designer and audio engineer as well as being an actor. I am skilled in many accents. British. Scottish. and any American variation.

About Me:
I am a professional voice actor


Sound Clips:

Below is my demo reel for last year. Test lines and auditions can be recorded upon an email request.


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You did Bishop in Skyrim Romance Mod, correct?


You did a good job in that, despite what happened and all.

Yeah, I backed out of that project after that whole debacle happened. Thank you for the compliments! I'm glad people aren't blaming the actors XD


Like I said, great job on the voice. I may have a role for you in the future, but we'll see. I'll certainly contact you if there's something to audition for.

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You did Bishop in Skyrim Romance Mod, correct?


You did a good job in that, despite what happened and all.

Yeah, I backed out of that project after that whole debacle happened. Thank you for the compliments! I'm glad people aren't blaming the actors XD


Like I said, great job on the voice. I may have a role for you in the future, but we'll see. I'll certainly contact you if there's something to audition for.


Email is preferred method of contact. Thanks a lot!

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