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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hey there. I just wanted to let you guys know I am in need of a male voice actor for this mod I am currently working on. The role is small (has only 4 lines) but I am thinking to make the character as some sort of a recurring role in my future mods (depending what you decide to do with him). Kind of like a Mass Effect sort of thing. Anyway, if any of you guys are interested here's the link to the auditions post. Thanks!

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Bluearchon, I took a look at your audition thread. I'd offer my help if I could pull off a better Nordic accent. As it stands, my Nordic 'accent' is essentially just an imitation of Ulfric that I struggle to keep 100% consistent. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. After reading your description of Ingar, I somehow doubt that's the sort of voice you had in mind.


Now then, just to once again give this thread a bump once more (it really would be awesome to sticky this thread. >.>), here's some more sample material from me.


Here's a sample of my speaking voice, just to give people looking for VAs a better idea of what roles I may be suited towards --


Speaking Voice Sample


And here's a brief sample of another role I did recently. :biggrin:




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Alright I'll take a stab at this.


Actor Stats

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Last Updated: 7/3/2013
Active Member: I lurk. Private message me to get a hold of me.

Playable Races:
Nord / Reguard / Brenton / Possibly Khajiit

Starting out

I can record my samples in Audition Cs6 and I know my way around the program enough to give you excellent quality samples. I do narrative voice over for youtube tutorials. Haven't done any acting before.

About Me:

Been gaming and modding games since I first messed with the map creator in Stronghold. I love creating content even if it's just content I use for myself. Would like to be part of something bigger though. Most mods I've made are just small scale tweaks and a few dungeons for Skyrim, none of which I have released since they aren't anything exceptional.


PM me with what you need and I can provide it.

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Hi, I was hoping to recruit as many VAs as I can for a project called Skywind. I'm sure some of you already know what it is, but for those who don't know, it's basically Morrowind remade with all the landscape, NPCs, quests, and items. You have to "audition" to contribute, but we'd really love it if anyone could spare the time to VA even just one character. Here's the site:




Thanks for considering!

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Few more samples. :biggrin:






Nice! Though may I give you a little tip?

When shouting, try to simply move away from the mic rather than "lowering" your voice and adding some shouting-sounding pitch. It will make it sound more realistic, and not so forced. :)

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Few more samples. :biggrin:






Nice! Though may I give you a little tip?

When shouting, try to simply move away from the mic rather than "lowering" your voice and adding some shouting-sounding pitch. It will make it sound more realistic, and not so forced. :smile:



That's the first thing I tried, actually. :P The shouting sounded much more realistic, but it had the downside of creating very noticeable room echo. It was also pretty difficult because I had to clearly enunciate and stretch out just about every word, and I was keeping my voice a couple octaves above my usual tone, which also made it a challenge to belt it out in a more convincing manner. I realize it sounds forced, but it was the best I could do given my equipment and recording environment. Thanks for the tip, though. :D


And just to add yet another sample, here's an example of a recent audition I sent in. :D

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Hi all looking for a female voice actor to voice a part for my Dagoth Ur mod. Here is the script, if anyone wants to do it give me a message for my email address. Thanks:



[player]: Hello there are you new in town?
You stranger come closer, yes you are the one in my vision granted by Lady Azura! Incarnate, Lord Nerevar it is an honor!
(topic 2)
[player]: Lord Nerevar from the old Dark Elf legend? He would be long dead by now surely?
It is no legend and whether you believe it or not you are the current incarnation of Lord Nerevar marked by the moon and star. It is as Lady Azura
has foretold. Listen closely stranger, you are the one marked by the moon and star. Lord Nerevar reborn by the power of Azura's Prophecy. Dagoth Ur,
the devil of Tamriel has returned and he knows of your return also. You are the only one who can stop him now. You must destroy him before he begins
his conquest of Tamriel anew.
(topic 3)
[player]: Why doesn't the Tribunal stop him? Surely they have the power?
I am afraid the Tribunal are long gone. Sotha Sil was murdered by Almalexia, Almalexia was slain by your previous incarnation as the Nerevarine and
without the heart of Lorkhan's powers Vivec became mortal over time, aged and died. You and Dagoth Ur are all that remain from that legacy.
(topic 4)
[player]: But how was Dagoth Ur able to return if the heart of Lorkhan was destroyed?
One does not destroy the heart of a god so easily. As the Nerevarine hacked at the heart with the Dwemer blade Keening a fragment chipped of the
heart fell into the caverns below and was forgotten. Over the centuries the heart slowly made itself whole again and now it is once again what it
once was. Upon the hearts full restoration Dagoth Ur was also revived and now he seeks his revenge firstly upon you Incarnate for his defeat by your
hand at Red Mountain Long ago and secondly he wishes to enslave the Dunmer and use them as his army to conquer Tamriel. You must stop him Incarnate!
(topic 5)
[player]: But how can a mere mortal such as myself stand against the power of a god?
You are the Incarnate, you defeated him once before and will do so again, it is your destiny.
The citizens of Falkreath have reported sightings of strange creatures coming and going
from a cave near by. These reports describe minions
of Dagoth Ur. So perhaps it would be best to start your search there incarnate. I will
mark the cave on your map.
(Final Topic)
[player]: Dagoth Ur is vanquished and I have the heart of Lorkhan
Outstanding Incarnate! Now give me the heart so Lady Azura might destroy it once and for all and take this gift with Azura's blessing
Edited by morrowind1979
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