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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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I can lend my voice if anyone needs it. I got voice fitting some small guys of gremlin nature. So I may voice some random pet or monster. If not I can always voice some crazy bandit or something like that ;P I got a voice sample but its from old mic so quality isnt best. Still PM me if anyone is in need of such voice


Gender : Male


Age : 27


Country : Poland


Sample :

(Yes Im a Brony who did voice acting for own OC. I regret nothing :D. Also Its old vid so quality is not best. Its jsut to show more or less what I can do


Experiance : Well I dint do much voice acting but I dont mind doing some ;P I ussualy was one who made some editing of mods for a vid. Like this old thing. yea its also old

I had permission to use some recources and friend asked me to make some nice places for dance vid XD Edited by IgnacyOrder
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VOICE ACTOR: Justin Everette (Moongem)
NATIONALITY: United States
AGE: Twenty-two

Hey there, content-creators! I've always been enammered with Nexus Mods and have always wanted to contribute in some fashion. So I want to lend my voice to who ever might like it. Large roles, or small!

My experience comes from a various amount of anime/ game related roles that, not being licensed (or technically 'legal'). I would love to give back to the community that has provided me with nigh countless hours of entertainment!

My voice is well-suited (at normal range) for lighter, middle aged characters, but that won't stop me from going for a Skooma-addicted Khajht.

If you feel you would like to use my voice, the easiest way to contact me is via email! Message me on here to get a hold of it!

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VOICE ACTOR: Justin Everette (Moongem)

NATIONALITY: United States


AGE: Twenty-two


Hey there, content-creators! I've always been enammered with Nexus Mods and have always wanted to contribute in some fashion. So I want to lend my voice to who ever might like it. Large roles, or small!


My experience comes from a various amount of anime/ game related roles that, not being licensed (or technically 'legal'). I would love to give back to the community that has provided me with nigh countless hours of entertainment!


My voice is well-suited (at normal range) for lighter, middle aged characters, but that won't stop me from going for a Skooma-addicted Khajht.


If you feel you would like to use my voice, the easiest way to contact me is via email! Message me on here to get a hold of it!


Could you provide some samples of your voice? :)

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Hey folks, needing another character voiced, this time for my upcoming update to Saerileth's Druid's Den mod. The character is a 50 something Nord male who is an ex-explorer who wasted his life searching for the den. He's jaded, bitter and a bit snide. He is drowning his sorrows at the Winking Skeever Inn most of the time and gives up his expedition journal to start the quest in an effort to rid himself of his past regrets. Attached are the lines. Please feel free to PM me with either a sample recording from these lines or a link to some of your work that you think might represent what I'm looking for here. Thanks.




[You sure seem to be hitting it pretty hard]


What’s it to you? I’m drowning my sorrows and not hurting anyone.


[i just thought maybe I could offer an ear]


I don’t even know you, why would you want to help me?


[i’m one of those hero types, I guess it’s what we do]


Pffftt whatever, I suppose the bartender has had his ear chewed off enough by me, and obviously I still have something to get out. But I’ve been over this several times already and still it haunts me.

I worked long and hard to uncover a secret dating back to the dawn age of Tamriel when the world was rife with primal magics. I had a team together and we worked tirelessly for months to discover the truth.


[what truth is that?]


Back before the war of succession here in Skyrim, Druidic magic spread far and wide, originating from Valenwood where it’s said all of nature was born with the inception of Y’ffre the spirit of the woods. Well ages came and went and King Borgas of Skyrim found himself at odds with the Camoran Dynasty of Valenwood with his adoption of the Imperial gods. As a result he was put to the wild hunt and killed.


[The wild hunt?]


A primal power of the Bosmer. A ritual that transforms those who perform it into savage, blood thirsty spirits and calls forth any who have called the hunt in the past. They rampaged and killed Borgas. Skyrim would have retaliated but the line of succession was broken and civil war broke out which kept everyone’s attention for fifty years. By the time the new high king was crowned, everyone had moved on for the most part. However, those who did remember went about destroying any and all forms of primal magic, and those who practiced it left Skyrim or went into hiding. It’s said that there are Druid Dens hidden by magic in places across Skyrim. That’s what we set out to find.


[And it didn’t go so well?]


No, it didn’t. I spent years researching and we spent months searching and right when we were on the verge of discovery, we hit a stone wall in our advances and the team broke up. I ran out of money, and recouped what I could to come back here, but have little more to show for the whole ordeal than an old journal.


[Perhaps I could help you find it?]


That’s a kind offer, but I’m done gallivanting around Skyrim in search of the lost Druids. In fact, I know what may help. If you are interested in it, you can have my journal. Just don’t waste your life pursuing it like I did. I just want to be done with it.


[Thanks. I’ll let you know if I discover anything]


Ha, yeah, sure, you do that. Well, at any rate, thanks for letting me bend your ear.

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I am looking for a multi voices actors for my mod Stonecrest City, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3308965-stonecrest-city-upcoming-mod-for-skyrim/ . If you want more information, please PM me :tongue:



Here is the full liste of NPCs makes for now:


Glatho : Nord blacksmith and owner of the Glatho's house

Valinna : Glatho's wife and Merket merchant

Hjotra : Possible follower at the end of quest. Member of the Bormir Clan.

Okurasha : Female Argonian inn keeper in the Strong Man Inn

Ernand : A prisonner Breton in the Stonecrest jails, will be use in the city's main quest

Eigma: a nord Female merchant and owner of the Eigma's General Goods shop.

Miles Acilius : Imperial and owner of the Stonecrest Mine and of the Miles Acilius House

Caniaia Acilius : Imperial and wife of Miles Acilius

Bjadmu : Male Nord Merchant of horse, owner of the Stonecrest Stable

Vienele : Female Breton Bard in Strong Man Inn

Bormir (not created yet) : City's leader and chef of the Bormir Clan.

Bormir Clan: New group of warriors specialise on bandit hunt.

20 Stonecrest Guard: 10 night shift and 10 day shift. They are all man because they ar based on imperial and stormcloth guard, that mean it have some woman guards.


Three miners:


Lugdul Dumulg : Male Orc

Vadenb Saryoni : Male DarkElf

Savile Saryoni : Female DarkElf and wife of Vadend Saryoni

Edited by BeauMath
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Hey there! As many have said here already, I have been lurking on Nexus for a few years now, grabbing mods for mostly Skyrim and Fallout. I love this community, and I wanted to finally throw my hat into the ring and help out the content creators. I am an aspiring voice actor, willing to work for completely free, just for the experience. My best roles are outlined in my demo:




I can be the deep-voiced, commanding leader. I can be the raspy, evil sounding villain (or perhaps the softer sympathetic villain). I can be the eccentric, high-energy dweeb. I am always willing to try out new ranges and voices too, so feel free to shoot me your ideas! I would love to give anything a shot. PM me or email me at [email protected] if you're interested in signing me up for your project. Have a good one!

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Hey there! As many have said here already, I have been lurking on Nexus for a few years now, grabbing mods for mostly Skyrim and Fallout. I love this community, and I wanted to finally throw my hat into the ring and help out the content creators. I am an aspiring voice actor, willing to work for completely free, just for the experience. My best roles are outlined in my demo:




I can be the deep-voiced, commanding leader. I can be the raspy, evil sounding villain (or perhaps the softer sympathetic villain). I can be the eccentric, high-energy dweeb. I am always willing to try out new ranges and voices too, so feel free to shoot me your ideas! I would love to give anything a shot. PM me or email me at [email protected] if you're interested in signing me up for your project. Have a good one!

Ill upload these two samples to my soundcloud, find the link here - https://soundcloud.com/patrick-deegan-4/aldarilar-balfhe

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I thought I posted one of these before but apparently not. I've just added this to the Fallout 4 area but would be happy to help with Skyrim mods as well! (After all, I've played over 1000 hours of Skyrim now, :ohmy:)




Name: Richard

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Nationality: United States

Last Updated: Apr 7th 2018



- Turn 8 Podcast for 3 years

- VO work for a local community theatre


Software Proficiency:

- Adobe Audition CC

- Audacity


Voice Types:

- Speaking voice is a warm baritone with a bit of gravel (Podcast is a good example)

- Baritone bombastic (Zapp Brannigan - Futurama)

- High pitched evil (Skeletor - He-Man)

- Brooding soft and grave​lly (Kung Fury - Kung Fury)

- Nasal high whine (Alpha 5 - Power Rangers)

- Excitable bad Sean Connery (Like an impersonation of Darrell Hammond impersonating Sean Connery, if that makes sense :teehee:)

- Stuffy buffoonish professor (Tiberius Stormwind - Critical Role)


- Shure SM7B

- Rode NT1-A

- MXL 990

- MXL 770



- English



- None as of yet but I will work on this and update the post as I get them out there


With the podcast over I'm excited to start doing some voice work and helping out the mod community in this way would be awesome. I will work for free in this community so long as the project doesn't intend to earn any money upon completion. I'm happy to do some demos on request so if you're looking for something specific along the lines of what I can do above (or not, I can always try!) send me a message with some lines and a style and I can get samples back to you.


Thanks everyone!

Edited by TheRaiven
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