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Creation Kit broken?


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Not sure if this is in the correct area, if it is not. My apologies.


1.) Cannot drop Leveled characters into render window?


2.) Crashing on close?


3.) Even after using ctrl + F4 on altered characters, they still have light grey faces in game.

I asks if i want to export facegen data, I click yes, it says done, and in the game (especially

noticable with redguards) the faces are not matching the body color.



I read in another thread/topic that an update was due to be implemented, for CK. Has it gone live yet?



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1-2/ CK version is 1.9.32

3/my last "work" in CK was 2 Redguard, i've had the grey face problem, you just have to change a part in facegendata tab, like the hair , say ok, reload your char, change back, say ok, then export, done


source: Nexus Wiki




Fix the NPC face colour

If the CK didn't had a bug related to new NPC faces (their face colour doesn't match their body colour) your work will be ended here. But until the CK is fixed there is still another step to do.

The only way of making your NPCs face look right is to follow this steps:

  1. Load your esp plugin into the CK and wait until the CK has finished loading everything.
  2. Locate your follower NPC and open his details window.
  3. Go to the Character Gen Parts tab and change something there, for example the hair used by your character. Then you can change it again to the previous hair.
  4. Press the OK button to close the NPC details window.
  5. Locate your NPC again in the Objects window, select him and press Ctrl + F4. The CK will ask you if you want to export the face gen data for your NPC, answer Yes and wait until it is done.
  6. This will have generated two texture and one mesh file:
    1. The textures will be located in the folder: \textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\MyPlugin.esp\ (with the name of your esp file instead of MyPlugin.esp). One of them is a .tga file and the other a .dds file. You can delete the .tga
    2. The mesh will be located in the folder: \meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\MyPlugin.esp\
  7. Close the CK without saving the changes as you only wanted the texture and mesh files that have already been generated.

Now your follower's face will have the same colour than his body.

You will have to repeat this process everytime you change something about your follower's appearance, like the hair he uses, to fix his face colour again.




Edited by korun
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I've noticed that if the greyface seems to stick on my character, there is a slider that needs changing--sometimes there is something set on "color average" or whatever with the slier partway over, that just needs to be turned off entirely. Also I find adding some pink to the forehead/cheeks helps.


I've not had the problem dropping the character, but I wonder, have you tried dropping the character first, then changing the leveling?

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this is not on the character creation menu, but in the actual creation kit. I'm creating a personal mod.


one of the leveled characters I have added to my leveling room is glitchy.


I wound up deleting them. but now I can't drop them back in - to even get to the facegen stuff.


And yes. I have tried dropping the character in 1st. I can't drop ANY leveled character in, at all.

Edited by DeltaAgent26
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apologies. read that too fast. thought you were talking about character creation menu.


will give what you mentioned a try.


also. I noticed that ck is not exporting the facegen stuff. i looked in \textures\character\female folder, and it didn't ad anything.

no .nif, or .dds files... so i'm guessing that my CK (or patched CK) is buggy again.

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