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HELP - Consumable item Teleport and Visual Effect

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I'm currently working on a quest mod for F4, and during the quest the player needs to consume a drug. My idea is that the player consumes this drug, and is teleported to a new location, but for that location a visual effect is applied throughout the entirety of the new location. The location will have hostile NPC's and when it's complete the player walks through the door, is teleported to the wilderness and the visual effect is gone. I know it's a lot, but I know it's possible, I'm fairly new to the ck but so far I have the item and it's visual effects are working, just trying to figure out how to put it all together. Any suggestions?

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Can you tie the visual effect to a stage in the quest mod? For example, you reach a certain stage in the quest and the visual effect wears off.


I could try that, still trying to figure out how to get the item to teleport you. I've made a food item (tea) as the drug and I can only apply a "fire and forget" visual effect.

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