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Ragnar Lodbrok


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Is there anyone out there that has the skill and time and would like to create, Ragnar Lodbrok from the Vikings TV show; along with his Armor (most importantly the dark almost black armors) weapons, shields and of course make his hairstyle/beard style playable as well as what he has in the game?


It might be a little challenging to figure out what kinds of skills he'd have or traits and what not, but shouldn't be impossible.


The show is yet to be concluded, but I've been watching it and he's an awesome character.


I also would like to see the fur pelt that he wears around his shoulders in some shots to be in game as an option to wear too, and script him to wear it if you have Frostfall installed and the climate and weather warrants it, but never a hood.


Maybe we can find someone that would be able to play his voice, and sound similar to him as the voice actor for it. He can also have a comment to say when he hears the song Ragnar the Red playing in an Inn, and complain that - he's still alive - and laugh about it, talking to the Bards and anyone around that listens in.


He seems fitting for a character in Skyrim in my opinion and Technically Ragnar Lodbrok isn't copyrighted character for that TV show, since when you look up the name the first thing that comes up is about the real Ragnar Lodbrok that lived many years ago.


Is there anyone willing and able to take on this project?


Here is a link to the images section on the website for the show for referrence: http://www.history.com/shows/vikings/pictures/episode-3-dispossessed/vikins_gallery3_5




Note: There might be other posts about this here somewhere, but I'm not able to find - so here you go.

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I was really looking for a hairstyle like that as well, too bad the mohawk hairstyles in the game are way too high and thin, not to mention the missing ponytail in the back. Hopefully another fan of the show can make him in a mod at some point.

Edited by tgpomy
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