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Enchantable clothes (not armor)


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I've searched nexus for such modification and didn't find nothing (excluding Nocturnal and Telvanni robes)


So, would anyone create a mode which allows to enchant clothing like miner's or blacksmith clothing, gloves, hats, boots (etc) which are not an armor (doesn't have defense)?


Sorry, If there are some mistakes, I still learning english (first language is russian)



P.S. I added some samples of clothes which I mean

Edited by sakkarra
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I belive the following mods are what you're looking for.

Enchanting Freedom (enchant anything with *almost* any enchantement)

Archmage Crafting (a mod that lets you craft all clothing items in Skyrim + some more. It's awesome)


Thank you, but it is not really what am I looking for =(

I don't want to change enchantment or smithing system, I want to enchant usual clothing.

Edited by sakkarra
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You didn't read it right ?

Enchanting Freedom. It's in the title. You can enchant whatever you want with whatever the hell you want.

It's not a new enchaning system, the author just lifted some rescrictions.

The other mod is simply for more clothes. Not a new system either.

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You didn't read it right ?

Enchanting Freedom. It's in the title. You can enchant whatever you want with whatever the hell you want.

It's not a new enchaning system, the author just lifted some rescrictions.

The other mod is simply for more clothes. Not a new system either.

I read it, but probably I didn't understood. I thought it just change enchanting like I can enchant my helmet for shield enchants etc. It is disbalance (to me)

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Em... correct me if I'm wrong but... I've always believed that all clothes were enchantable by default, aren't they? It could well be due to a mod even whe I've never installed such one, but I've always enchanted my miner clothes, Blacksmith's Apron, etc...


Anyway, if I'm wrong, the mod Gerandirr linked should do what you are looking for.


P.S.: I'm really confused... I'd swear it's something already in game :blink:

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