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Seems peoples mod work are being stolen & sold?


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I'm pretty sure anything created with the CK is property of Bethesda legally and they'd have to be the ones to hire a lawyer.


I'm fairly sure that you're right. BethSoft should be informed so that their PR staff can throw their weight behind the modders. Modded or not, those items being sold are based off of Bethesda's product, and I bet they're not seeing a dime of that profit. The modders in question and BethSoft themself are both being ripped off here, and those affected need to stand together to tear down this Second Life Marketplace.


The Second Life Marketplace is just a web based catalog to sell content created for Second Life just as the Skyrim Nexus is a free place to distribute mods. The problem isn't the marketplace itself but the Second Life users who are willing to use unauthorized content taken from other sources like as the Nexus or ripped from games. If Bethesda contacts Linden Lab then Linden Lab will remove the questionable content that Bethesda has requested to be removed and action may be taken to ban the offending Second Life user. Just like if a Nexus modder is using stolen content they can be banned here. I use the Second Life Marketplace to sell my Second Life clothing that I made...its a sales tool nothing more and 90%ish plus of the content is legal and legitimate original content for Second Life. Its a bit extreme to ask for the Marketplace to be torn down just as it would be extreme to suggest the Nexus be closed because of a few bad uploaded mods.

Edited by Jennifur68
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I'm pretty sure anything created with the CK is property of Bethesda legally and they'd have to be the ones to hire a lawyer.


I'm fairly sure that you're right. BethSoft should be informed so that their PR staff can throw their weight behind the modders. Modded or not, those items being sold are based off of Bethesda's product, and I bet they're not seeing a dime of that profit. The modders in question and BethSoft themself are both being ripped off here, and those affected need to stand together to tear down this Second Life Marketplace.


The Second Life Marketplace is just a web based catalog to sell content created for Second Life just as the Skyrim Nexus is a free place to distribute mods. The problem isn't the marketplace itself but the Second Life users who are willing to use unauthorized content taken from other sources like as the Nexus or ripped from games. If Bethesda contacts Linden Lab then Linden Lab will remove the questionable content that Bethesda has requested to be removed and action may be taken to ban the offending Second Life user. Just like if a Nexus modder is using stolen content they can be banned here. I use the Second Life Marketplace to sell my Second Life clothing that I made...its a sales tool nothing more and 90%ish plus of the content is legal and legitimate original content for Second Life. Its a bit extreme to ask for the Marketplace to be torn down just as it would be extreme to suggest the Nexus be closed because of a few bad uploaded mods.


The other issue is that LL does not do anything to regulate the content of which is being sold on their marketplace, sure nexus content get's dumped all the time for being ripped and illegal, but it seems like LL doesn't even try anything to get rid of this content. Surely LL does do something whenever they catch it, but the problem is that this stolen content has been up for more than a month, quite a few actually, which leads me to believe that they don't do anything to regulate it. Another thing is that content on there was also ripped straight off of Bethesda games, the helm of ygnol was on there, the gauss rifle from fallout was on there, and even the power helmets was on there, if bethesda found out about this then LL could be liable for a lawsuit due to the fact that they can't control their users. Stretching the mesh and switching the textures doesn't mean anything when it's obviously taken from somebodies work. I mean, they didn't even name the items properly, they named the gauss gun a "alien blaster". Regardless the problem isn't just this guy who's stealing every bodies work on here, there are more people who sell stolen content from games all over the community. Not to even mention the community steals from each other all the time. The Second Life community is literally full of thieves that even steal from eachother.

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What bothers me is that the Second Life Marketplace uses currency to purchase these items. Be it real money or not, that can lead to some detrimental damage and encourage these thieves to consider stealing from others. At the very least, Second Life needs to improve the regulation of their marketplace.

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Thieves are everywhere, attacking a site because it contains thieves, and making assumptions about it based on the actions based around this site are totally rude. The entire sit eof second life is based around creating and distributing items so of COARSE there are going to be a lot of fakers and thieves out there, could you imagine if skyrim was a community based games and you could sell your mods for in-game money? You better believe people would be ten times more willing to steal content. It's not the sites fault, that's just how the site works. Just because you don't like it, or people may be doing bad things on it, doesn't mean the site should be totally removed. This is america, people are free to do things that displease you.


Anyways, it's always sad to see people's hard work stolen. I once created art on a site similar to second life (Gaiaonline) and sold it to someone, just to find someone else selling the exact same art I made to someone else a week or so later. I totally flipped my lid, and never sold art on that site again, so I understand how frustrating this kind of thing is. Sadly, it's the internet, and there is no way to stop EVERYONE from stealing your content, somewhere, on some corner of the internet, everything you've ever made is being given or traded or sold to someone illegally. All you can do is file a complaint, harass the people to stop, and move on with your life.

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Also check out downloadmods.ru (Russian mod site), I recently found one of my mods on there. I was looking at the persons profile for all of there uploaded mods, most of the mods for Skyrim he uploaded looks like they came from here. If your curious do a Google search for your mods, might be surprised and mad at what pops up.


Edit: If you find your mod on that 2nd Life game, here is a link one of the members showed me to report it.



Edited by Dart98Rock
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My uncle studies law, and says that the modders that are having there mods stolen can sue for copyright infringment. Modders can also take legal action against the thief, what there doing is stealing and stealing is punishable by law. My advice to everyone is send your work into the copyright agency so you have legal documentation of your work. Makes processes much easier, because right now I am fighting a Russian mod sight to take my mod down (all my mods are Nexus exclusive) and the only proof I can show them is my mod description page.

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I am definitly not defending those that are selling material from here as i am modding myself but would like to add another perspective:


The Nexus Site is a public site like many others - they dont own any rights nor are they affiliated in any form to Bethesda etc. People make the wrong assumptions about a mod uploaded here. I upload my mod to a public place to be downloaded with the risk of being redistributed and resold, modified etc. Most modders work is based on material licenced only - the game itself. Without the games engine all that is left are lines of code or models of art. If people are afraid of losing control about these then they shouldnt make their work public but hand it out to individual persons in a controlled environment.


Mods usually come without any copyright remarks as its hard to define if it is even capable of being copyrighted at all. people have to be really careful about cLaiming a design pattern etc as it might backfire very fast when your idea/model is actually inspired by other already existing models/patterns. And even if you think you should have a copyright then you should go the entire road and get your patterns/models etc registered at the approriate agencies for that - all that costs money , time etc which most people dont want to invest - so theft is kind of programmed to happen and enforcing personal copyrights without all that is kind of very naive thinking.

Edited by dwiss
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