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Extra/Infinite Stun + 100% Stun chance?


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Sure, it takes a few upk edits. If you aren't able to do that; you'll have to wait until Toolboks is updated to the new patch to implement these.



In XComGame >> XGTacticalGameCore >> TryStunned
e2 82 00 00 16 1e 00 00 c8 42 16
to something like
e2 82 00 00 16 1e 00 00 48 42 16
And they should always hit, very likely regardless of alien hp. "42c8" is a divisor and equal to 100; by lowering this number you increase the chance to stun. Setting the divisor to 4248 (50) doubles your chance to succeed.
However, the to-hit percentage will appear incorrectly; to prevent it from appearing, make this change:
XComGame >> XGAbility_Targeted >> GetShotSummary()
00 24 09 16 16 16 18 1d
00 24 24 16 16 16 18 1d
To increase the number of charges:
Increase Arc Thrower Charge to 10
24 50 16 2c 02 16 16 04 0b 53
24 50 16 2c 0a 16 16 04 0b 53
Collectively, this might break the tactical game; you may have a pretty good chance to stun aliens with more than 3 hit points, so YMMV.
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If for some reason you're not playing with the latest patch you might find that variables and function references differ from those by some amount. If you can make your way around UE Explorer and go to XComGame >> XGTacticalGameCore >> TryStunned, go to view buffer, and there locate the sentence by hoovering the mouse over the hexes until you find the value you want to change, and then compare with your hex values. Otherwise just Ctrl-F for it.

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