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I'm a hunter, and I have a problem.


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So, I play on Master difficulty Skyrim, because that's just how I enjoy it. I understand some people like to play an easier game, but I like the challenge and realism of it.


However, there is one issue I have. But first, a backstory as to WHY it's an issue.


I am a hunter in skyrim. It's where I get all my food and hides. I kill cute little animals, and use them to level my blacksmithing. It's one of my favorite parts about the game.


The PROBLEM is, that on master difficulty, when I sneak attack shoot a dear in the head with a iron arrow, it does maybe 5% damage to the thing? This is total crap. When I shoot a critter, it should be dead. I understand spiders and draugr being hard to kill with high life totals, but deer, moose, elk? It makes absolutely no sense.


So, does anyone know of any mods that fix this? I don't want to make my skyrim easier, by nerfing health across the board for all monsters, and I don't want to turn down my difficulty, but a mod that makes hunting more logical would be fantastic for me.


Because I am telling you right now, as a real life bow hunter, when you shoot an elk in the head, it isn't going to go running off at mach 5 like the animals of skyrim do.

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If you have the CK, pull up the animals you think should die easier, and drop there health tow hat you think it should be, it shouldn't be challenging! =3 Search using the 'find/search' fuction to look for 'deer' or 'elk' if you can't track them down.
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+I actually don't have the CK, do you know wherei can get it?

I believe you can download it off steam, if not this is the number one search result for "Skyrim Creation Kit Download" in google.



So I ASSUME it's legit, and I apologize if it is not. I would check steam first, if I am correct that is where I got it!

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